Building a Quiz Application from Scratch using Angular 15: A Step-by-step Project Tutorial

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Quiz Application from Scratch | Angular 15 | Angular step-by-step Project

Quiz Application from Scratch

In this project, we will be building a quiz application from scratch using Angular 15. Angular is a popular framework for building web applications, and it provides a lot of features that make it easy to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces.

Setting up the Project

The first step in building our quiz application is to set up a new Angular project. We can do this using the Angular CLI, which is a command-line tool that makes it easy to create and manage Angular applications. We can use the following command to create a new Angular project:

        ng new quiz-app

This will create a new Angular project in a folder called quiz-app. Once the project is created, we can navigate to the project folder and start building our quiz application.

Creating the Quiz Component

To create the quiz component, we can use the Angular CLI to generate a new component. We can use the following command to create a new component called quiz:

        ng generate component quiz

This will create a new folder called quiz inside the src/app folder, and it will contain all the files needed to create the quiz component. We can then use this component to display the quiz questions and handle user interactions.

Building the Quiz Logic

Once the quiz component is created, we can start building the logic for our quiz application. We can create a new service to handle the quiz data, and use it to retrieve the quiz questions from an API or a local data source. We can then use the quiz component to display the questions and handle user responses.

Styling the Quiz Application

Finally, we can add some styling to our quiz application to make it look more presentable. We can use CSS or a CSS framework like Bootstrap to style the quiz component and make it visually appealing to the users.

With these steps, we can create a quiz application from scratch using Angular 15. We can also add more features like timers, scoring, and leaderboards to make the quiz application more engaging and interactive for the users.

© 2023 Quiz Application. All rights reserved.

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7 months ago

html code??

7 months ago

Please start to scratch. Very sad that you haven't for such a great project 🙁

7 months ago

Nice please share sample code.

7 months ago

its really nice video, learnt so many things as beginner, many thanks, please upload more projects its helps to learn more.

7 months ago

not from scratch

7 months ago

timer!: any;

start() {


this.currentQuestionNo = 0;

this.correctAnswerCount = 0;


this.showWarning = false;

this.isQuizEnded = false;

this.isQuizStarted = false;


nextQuestion() {

this.questionTime = 10;

if(this.currentQuestionNo < this.questionsList.length-1) {


} else {

clearInterval(this.timer); // last question stop timer



startQuiz() {

this.showWarning = false;

this.isQuizStarted = true;

this.questionTime = 10;

// timer for question

this.timer = setInterval(() => {

if(this.questionTime != 0) {



if(this.questionTime == 0) { // time ends, new question




}, 1000)

// Now works great, fix timer bug

7 months ago

kindly share the source code

7 months ago

Good one..can you create same with API also

7 months ago

man you have earned a new subscriber.

7 months ago

Code plz

7 months ago

Best sir nice topic

7 months ago

Can we use javascript interval also for timer?

7 months ago

Cool.. THANKS 🙏

7 months ago

Nice man very easy explanation. keep it up 👍

7 months ago

Nice scenario For freshers

7 months ago

thanks Sir For Sharing. #quizapp #angular

7 months ago

thanks bro ! Nice work. Angular is hard to learn =D