
Building a React Blog Site using Gatsby.js and Sanity.io: Incorporating Gatsby plugin Local Search and Deploying the Site

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#22 – React Blog Website with Gatsby.js & Sanity.io | Gatsby plugin Local Search & Deploy

React Blog Website with Gatsby.js & Sanity.io | Gatsby plugin Local Search & Deploy

Gatsby.js and Sanity.io have become popular tools for building fast and efficient websites and applications. In this article, we will explore how to create a blog website using Gatsby.js and Sanity.io, and how to add local search functionality with the Gatsby plugin. We will also cover how to deploy the website once it’s built.

Getting Started

To get started, you will need to have Node.js installed on your computer. Once you have Node.js installed, you can use the following command to install Gatsby CLI:

npm install -g gatsby-cli

Next, you can create a new Gatsby site using the following command:

gatsby new my-blog

Once the Gatsby site is created, navigate to the project directory and install the Gatsby plugin for Sanity.io:

npm install gatsby-source-sanity

Setting up Sanity.io

After installing the necessary dependencies, you can create a new project on Sanity.io and set up a new schema for your blog content. Once the schema is set up, you can use the Sanity.io CLI to import the initial content into your project.

Local Search with Gatsby Plugin

To add local search functionality to your blog website, you can use the Gatsby plugin gatsby-plugin-local-search. This plugin allows you to create a search index for your website, which can then be used to provide search results to your users.

After installing the plugin, you can configure it to index the content from your Sanity.io project and set up the search functionality on your blog website.

Deploying the Website

Once your blog website is built and the local search functionality is added, you can deploy it to a hosting provider of your choice. You can use services like Netlify, Vercel, or AWS Amplify to deploy your Gatsby website with ease.


Building a blog website with Gatsby.js and Sanity.io is a great way to create a fast and efficient website that is easy to maintain and scale. Adding local search functionality with the Gatsby plugin allows you to provide a better user experience for your visitors. And finally, with the ease of deployment, you can quickly make your blog website live for the world to see.

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G.K. Shuvo
7 months ago


Md Khan
7 months ago

in my laptop this website is running but there is no data coming in UI from sanity like in blogpage,categories it is showing 404 not found

7 months ago

Hi great series of videos, could you please add a comment section

Néstor Santiago Fuhr
7 months ago

best course on Gatsby on Youtube!!!

Angie Otero
7 months ago

Hi, thanks for your video, it REALLY helps me to configure my FlexSearch.

Just one thing I couldn't figure out, do you know which is the right configuration if I have to find results with or without diacritics/accents?
I.E: Both the words "dolar" and "dólar" should match with phrases in my data that contain the word "dólar" (with diacritics).

Thanks in advance!

Jennifer Johnston
7 months ago

This tutorial was amazing! thank you, I learned so much!

Bwave ICT
7 months ago

please why is gatsby build not working

Godswill Onyeka
7 months ago

Nice video thank you, Please can u add comment functionality

Bwave ICT
7 months ago

Great Video. Thank you so much!

Please can you help implement comment functionality?

second, my favicon shows when in localhost but when i host i cant see it