Building a React JS Pokedex: Including Pagination and Calculated Colors – Part 2

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React JS Pokedex Tutorial – Part 2

React JS Pokedex Tutorial – Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of our React JS Pokedex tutorial. In this part, we’ll be adding pagination and calculated colors to our Pokedex app.


When working with a large set of data, it’s important to implement pagination to ensure smooth user experience. In our Pokedex app, we’ll be paginating the list of Pokemon to display a manageable number of entries at a time.


To implement pagination, we’ll need to keep track of the current page and the number of items to display per page. We can then use this information to slice the array of Pokemon data and display the appropriate entries on each page.

We’ll also need to add navigation buttons to allow users to move between pages. This can be achieved using React state to store the current page, and event handlers to update the page when the navigation buttons are clicked.

Calculated Colors

In our Pokedex app, we’ll be adding a visual indicator to each Pokemon entry based on its type. This will be achieved by calculating a color based on the Pokemon’s type, and applying it as a background color to the entry.

Color Calculation

To calculate the color, we can use a simple algorithm to map each type to a specific color. We can then use this color to style the Pokemon entry based on its type, making it easier for users to identify the type of each Pokemon at a glance.


We can implement calculated colors in our Pokedex app by adding a function that takes the type of a Pokemon as input and returns the corresponding color. We can then apply this color as a CSS property to the Pokemon entry, creating a visually appealing and informative display for our users.

With pagination and calculated colors added to our Pokedex app, we’re one step closer to creating a fully functional and user-friendly Pokemon browsing experience. Stay tuned for part 3 of our tutorial, where we’ll be adding search functionality to our Pokedex app.

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Ashish Sharma
7 months ago

Amazing work bro!! How can I fetch images if I am not using typescript? in this project

Tran Ngoc Son
7 months ago

very cool bro