Building a Real-time Chat App with React, Node.js, and

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Real-time Chat App with

Real-time Chat App – 16 🔥 | React, Node.js and

In today’s fast-paced world, real-time communication is essential. Whether it’s for staying in touch with friends and family, collaborating on projects with colleagues, or providing customer support, having the ability to chat in real time can make all the difference. That’s where the real-time chat app with comes in.

With the power of React, Node.js, and, this real-time chat app provides a seamless and efficient way to communicate with others., in particular, is a powerful library that allows for real-time, bidirectional communication between web clients and servers.

By using the 16 version, you can take advantage of the latest features and improvements in real-time communication. This ensures a smooth and reliable chat experience for users, with minimal latency and maximum responsiveness.

One of the key benefits of using React for the frontend of the chat app is its component-based architecture, which makes it easy to build and maintain a complex user interface. Meanwhile, Node.js provides a robust and scalable backend for handling the real-time communication between clients.

With the combination of these technologies, the real-time chat app with offers a modern and efficient solution for anyone looking to implement real-time communication in their application.

Whether you’re a developer looking to build a real-time chat feature into your own app, or a user looking for a reliable and responsive chat platform, the real-time chat app with is a powerful tool that can meet your needs.

To get started with the real-time chat app, simply install the necessary dependencies and run the app using the following commands:

npm install
npm start

Once the app is running, you can start chatting with others in real time, sharing messages, images, and more with ease. The app also supports features such as typing indicators, read receipts, and emojis, providing a fully-featured chat experience.

Whether you’re building a chat app for a personal project, a business application, or anything in between, the real-time chat app with is a powerful and versatile solution that can meet your needs.

With its modern technology stack, including React, Node.js, and, you can be confident that the real-time chat app will provide a reliable and efficient platform for real-time communication.

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Edwin Long
7 months ago

with your inspire i build one using react redux and having a lot of hard time since I'm not using context.

norhane cherif
7 months ago

in chatContext i got this error : ReferenceError: io is not defined
please how can i fix it?

7 months ago

Thx gan

Dũng Trần
7 months ago

Tks bro !!

7 months ago

I imagine if you get back 500 Millions users array plus 400 Millions Online users , plus to the already allocated memory by you , the Client PC will Blow Up 😅
You are making a decent effort but this is not a maintainable and efficient way to handle that real time stuff

Abaysew Tekle
7 months ago

Great tutorial bro, appreciate your effort to create those nice videos