
Building a Register Form in an Express.js Web App: Part 7 Implementing Git and GitHub Version Control

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Creating a Register Form for our Express.js Web App

In the previous articles of this series, we have been building a web app using Express.js. Now, we will add a registration form to our app so that users can sign up and create an account. Below, we will create the necessary HTML and handle the form submission with our Express app.

Step 1: Create the Register Form

First, let’s create a new file called register.html in the views directory of our Express app. In this file, we will add the HTML for the register form:





In this form, we have two input fields for the username and password, as well as a submit button. The form action is set to /register and the method is set to post, which means the form will send a POST request to our Express app with the user’s input.

Step 2: Handle the form submission in Express

Now that we have created the register form, we need to handle the form submission in our Express app. Let’s add a new route to our app to handle POST requests to /register:

app.post(‘/register’, (req, res) => {
const { username, password } = req.body;

// Code to handle saving the user’s information to a database

res.send(‘User registered successfully’);

In this route, we access the username and password from the request body and then handle the logic for saving the user’s information to a database. For simplicity, we are just sending a success message back to the user in the response.

Using Git and GitHub

As we continue to build our Express.js web app, it’s important to use version control to track our changes and collaborate with others. We can use Git to manage our code and GitHub to store our repository in the cloud.

First, initialize a new Git repository in the root directory of your Express app:

git init

Next, create a new repository on GitHub and follow the instructions to add the remote repository to your local Git repository:

git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Now, your Express app’s code is safely stored in a new GitHub repository. You can continue to push your changes to GitHub as you develop the app further.

That’s it for now! In the next article, we will add user authentication and login functionality to our Express web app.

Happy coding!