Building a Simple Invoice Application with Laravel 10 and Vue.js 3: How to Display All Invoices

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Laravel 10 and Vuejs 3 – Simple Invoice Application

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Simple Invoice Application

Invoice ID Customer Name Total Amount Status Action
{{ }} {{ invoice.customerName }} {{ invoice.totalAmount }} {{ invoice.status }}

const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
invoices: [
{ id: 1, customerName: ‘John Doe’, totalAmount: 100.00, status: ‘Paid’ },
{ id: 2, customerName: ‘Jane Smith’, totalAmount: 150.00, status: ‘Pending’ },
{ id: 3, customerName: ‘Bob Johnson’, totalAmount: 75.00, status: ‘Paid’ }
methods: {
viewInvoice(id) {
// Implement logic to view the selected invoice
alert(`Viewing invoice ${id}`);

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7 months ago

Awesome tutorial..! This is un underrated channel due to not adopting fancy video creation methods.

7 months ago

why all axios request return 500 response?! even in the portfolio project i had the same issue!

7 months ago

Thank you for the tutorial!

7 months ago

thank you

7 months ago

Thank you for the tutorial!
I can't get customer_name instead of customer_id
the codes are the same as yours, but it does not show any error and it does not show the customer's name
I appreciate if you could help me with that thank you

7 months ago

🙏 Promo sm

7 months ago

Thank you for the tutorial!

7 months ago

hoping for the next video soon …… 😍

7 months ago

thanks 😍

7 months ago

thnx for the tutorial, hoping for the next vid soon

7 months ago

Very good !!!