Building a TODO App with Python using KivyMD #Python #Kivy #KivyMD #UI #Programming #Tutorial #AppDevelopment #TODOApp

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Python KivyMD TODO App

Creating a TODO App with Python KivyMD

Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and versatility. Kivy is a Python library for developing multi-touch applications. KivyMD is a library that provides a set of Material Design components for Kivy. In this tutorial, we will create a TODO app using Python, Kivy, and KivyMD.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we start building the app, we need to make sure that Python, Kivy, and KivyMD are installed on our system. To install Kivy and KivyMD, you can use the following pip commands:

            pip install kivy
            pip install kivymd

Creating the App Layout

Once we have the libraries installed, we can start building the app. We will first create the main layout of the app using KivyMD’s components such as MDToolbar, MDTextField, MDList, and MDIconButton.

            title="TODO App"
            left_action_items=[["menu", lambda x: app.callback()]]
            hint_text="Add a new task"

Implementing the Functionality

Next, we will implement the functionality of the TODO app. We will create methods in the Python code to add tasks, mark tasks as completed, and delete tasks from the list.

            def add_task(self):
                # Add task to the list
            def complete_task(self, task):
                # Mark task as completed
            def delete_task(self, task):
                # Delete task from the list

Running the App

Once the app is built and the functionality is implemented, we can run the app using the following Python code:



In this tutorial, we have created a simple TODO app using Python, Kivy, and KivyMD. We have learned how to set up the environment, create the app layout, implement the functionality, and run the app. With the knowledge gained from this tutorial, you can now build your own customized TODO app and explore more features and components provided by KivyMD.