Building a User-Authenticated Mobile App with Python using Kivy and Supabase

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Python Mobile App with User Authentication | Kivy and Supabase

Python Mobile App with User Authentication

In this article, we will discuss how to create a Python mobile app with user authentication using Kivy and Supabase.

What is Kivy?

Kivy is an open-source Python library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative and intuitive user interfaces. It is cross-platform and can run on iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, and OS X.

What is Supabase?

Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative. It provides a set of tools and services for building web and mobile applications, including authentication, real-time database, and storage.

Creating a Python Mobile App with Kivy and Supabase

To create a Python mobile app with user authentication, we will use Kivy for the frontend and Supabase for the backend. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Install Kivy and Supabase: Install Kivy and Supabase by following the installation instructions on their respective websites.
  2. Create a new Kivy project: Use Kivy to create a new project for your mobile app. Define the user interface and functionality of the app.
  3. Integrate Supabase for authentication: Use Supabase to handle user authentication. Create a new user, manage user sessions, and secure user data using Supabase’s authentication services.
  4. Test the app: Test the Python mobile app on different platforms, such as iOS or Android, to ensure it works as intended.

Example Code

Here is an example of how to integrate Supabase for user authentication in a Kivy Python mobile app:

from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
import supabase

# Initialize Supabase
supabase_url = ''
supabase_key = 'your-supabase-key'
supabase_client = supabase.create_client(supabase_url, supabase_key)

# Define the login button
class MyMobileApp(App):
def build(self):
button = Button(text='Login with Supabase')
return button

# Handle the login button press
def login(self, instance):
# Perform user authentication with Supabase
user = supabase_client.auth.sign_in(email='', password='password')

# Run the app
if __name__ == '__main__':


In this article, we have discussed how to create a Python mobile app with user authentication using Kivy and Supabase. By following the steps outlined above and integrating Supabase for user authentication, you can create a secure and reliable Python mobile app for your users.

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6 months ago

Can you show a tutorial on how to do one time passwords please and how redirects work?

6 months ago

The community is small..

6 months ago

Full code is available in the description. If you have any issues let me know and I'll try to help 🙂