
Building an Angular 15 URL Shortener Project: Creating a URL shortener in Angular from scratch

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Angular 15 URL Shortener Project

Creating a URL Shortener in Angular 15

URL shortening is a technique in which a long URL is converted into a shorter one. This can be useful for sharing links on social media, in email campaigns, or for any other situation where a long URL may not be practical to use. In this project, we will be creating a URL shortener using Angular 15.

Setting Up the Project

To get started, make sure you have Angular 15 installed on your computer. If not, you can install it by running the following command:

$ npm install -g @angular/cli@15

Once Angular 15 is installed, you can create a new Angular project by running the following commands:

$ ng new url-shortener

This will create a new Angular project named “url-shortener”. Change into the new project directory using the following command:

$ cd url-shortener

Creating the URL Shortener Component

Let’s create a new component for our URL shortener. Run the following command to generate a new component:

$ ng generate component url-shortener

This will create a new folder for the component and generate all the necessary files for it. You can now start building the functionality for the URL shortener in the TypeScript and HTML files for the component.

Implementing the URL Shorten Functionality

In the TypeScript file for the URL shortener component, you can implement the logic for shortening a URL. This can be done by using a service to make a request to a URL shortening API, or by implementing your own URL shortening algorithm.

Once the logic is implemented, you can create an input field in the HTML file for the component to allow users to input a long URL. When the user submits the form, you can then call the URL shortening function and display the shortened URL to the user.

Testing and Deploying the Project

After implementing the URL shortener functionality, you can test the project by running it locally using the following command:

$ ng serve

This will start a local development server and you can view the project in your web browser at http://localhost:4200. Once you are satisfied with the functionality, you can deploy the project to a web server to make it accessible to others.

With this project, you have now successfully created a URL shortener in Angular 15 from scratch. You can further enhance the project by adding features such as analytics for tracking the usage of the shortened URLs, or by integrating it with a database to store and manage the shortened URLs.

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ashutosh shirole
7 months ago

hi i have to one issue related ng-tiny-url
Error : This likely means that the library (ng-tiny-url) which declares NgTinyUrlModule is not compatible with Angular Ivy. Check if a newer version of the library is available, and update if so. Also consider chech Angular Ivy. Cheking with the library's authors to see if the library is expected to be compatible with Ivy.

7 months ago

could you share codes on github please. I have response errors from tiny

Chandra Sekhar Mandapalli
7 months ago

Please provide GITHUB for the URL shortner Project also

Chandra Sekhar Mandapalli
7 months ago

bro, the github u shared has plenty of ads, please share them either in drive or Github.. that will be helpful