Building an appointment page with Vue 3 and Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide | Part 28

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Creating Appointment Page with Vue 3 and Laravel | Part 28

Let’s work on creating the appointment page using Vue 3 and Laravel | Part 28

Today, we will continue our journey of building a modern appointment system using Vue 3 and Laravel. In this part, we will focus on creating the appointment page where users can schedule their appointments with ease.

First, we need to set up the necessary routes and controllers in Laravel to handle the appointment creation process. We will create a new controller called AppointmentController and define the necessary methods for creating and managing appointments.

Next, we will create the appointment form using Vue 3. We will use the composition API to manage the state and logic of the form. We will also make use of form validation to ensure that the user inputs are correct before submitting the form.

Once the form is created, we will wire it up to the backend using Axios to send the appointment data to the server for processing. We will handle the form submission in the AppointmentController and save the appointment details to the database.

After the appointment is successfully created, we will redirect the user to a confirmation page where they can see the details of their appointment and any additional information they may need. We will also send an email confirmation to the user to confirm their appointment.

Throughout this process, we will make use of modern best practices and design patterns to ensure that our code is clean, maintainable, and scalable. We will also focus on creating a smooth and intuitive user experience for the appointment creation process.

By the end of this part, we will have a fully functional appointment page that allows users to schedule their appointments with ease. We will have leveraged the power of Vue 3 and Laravel to create a modern and robust appointment system that meets the needs of our users.

Stay tuned for the next part, where we will continue to enhance and refine our appointment system with even more features and improvements.

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6 months ago

Hi, I was just wondering whether there was a reason for making this it's own page, rather than a modal like add users?

6 months ago

After updating routes in web.php, You are not clearing route:cache how does it work without clearing cache?

6 months ago

Is there any plan to add authentication to the project?

6 months ago

Thank you very much bro!
Looking forward for another lessons.

6 months ago

Nice to see your video again.
how about implement select2?
im waiting for tutorial pls.