
Building an Ecommerce Store with Next js 14 using Sanity, Stripe, and Zustand

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Next.js 14 Ecommerce Store

Building an Ecommerce Store with Next.js 14, Sanity, Stripe, and Zustand

Next.js is a popular React framework for building server-rendered, SEO-friendly web applications. With the release of Next.js 14, developers now have access to new features that make building ecommerce stores even easier. In this article, we will explore how to use Next.js 14 along with Sanity, Stripe, and Zustand to create a fully functional ecommerce store.

What is Next.js 14?

Next.js 14 is the latest version of the Next.js framework. It comes with improved performance, automatic image optimization, and internationalized routing. These new features make it a great choice for building ecommerce stores that need to be fast, SEO-friendly, and accessible.

Adding Sanity for Content Management

Sanity is a headless CMS that provides a great content management interface for Next.js apps. With Sanity, you can define the structure of your content, and then easily access it through an API. This makes it perfect for managing product listings, blog posts, and other content for your ecommerce store.

Integrating Stripe for Payments

Stripe is a popular payment processing platform that makes it easy to accept payments online. With the Stripe API, you can securely handle credit card payments, manage subscriptions, and more. By integrating Stripe with your Next.js 14 ecommerce store, you can create a seamless checkout experience for your customers.

Using Zustand for State Management

Zustand is a small, fast, and scalable state management library for React applications. It provides a simple API for managing global and local state, making it easy to handle things like shopping cart items, user authentication, and more. By using Zustand in your Next.js 14 ecommerce store, you can keep your application state organized and easy to work with.


Next.js 14, Sanity, Stripe, and Zustand provide a powerful set of tools for building ecommerce stores. With Next.js 14’s improved performance and features, along with the flexibility of Sanity, the security of Stripe, and the simplicity of Zustand, you can create a great shopping experience for your customers. Whether you are building a small online store or a large enterprise ecommerce platform, these technologies can help you get the job done.

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6 months ago

very good thks. But to make sure : the only way to display the detailed infos of a product is to re-fetch these details from the database (server) ? You can not fetch all data and their details at once, store them in an array, and pass to the children the detailed data as a prop ?

6 months ago

amazing work

6 months ago

Amazing tutorial

6 months ago


6 months ago
