
Building Scroll Animations with React and Next JS using Framer Motion

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React and Next JS – Scroll Animations Based Project

React and Next JS – Scroll Animations Based Project

Scroll animations can add a touch of interactivity and engagement to web projects. In this article, we’ll explore how to create scroll animations in a project using React and Next JS with the help of Framer Motion.

Getting Started with Framer Motion

Framer Motion is a powerful animation library for React that allows developers to create smooth and fluid animations. To get started, we need to install Framer Motion in our project:

                npm install framer-motion

Creating Scroll Animations

Once Framer Motion is installed, we can start creating scroll animations in our React and Next JS project. Here’s a simple example of how to create a scroll animation using Framer Motion:

                import { motion } from 'framer-motion';
                import { useAnimation } from 'framer-motion';

                const controls = useAnimation();

                const handleScroll = () => {
                    controls.start({ opacity: 1, y: 0 });

                return (
                    <div onScroll={handleScroll}>
                        <motion.div animate={controls} initial={{ opacity: 0, y: 20 }}>
                            <div className="box"></div>

In this example, we’re using Framer Motion’s useAnimation and motion components to create a scroll animation that changes the opacity and position of a box element as the user scrolls.

Integrating with React and Next JS

Integrating scroll animations with React and Next JS is straightforward. Simply import Framer Motion and use its components to create the desired animations within your React and Next JS components.


Scroll animations can enhance the user experience and bring a dynamic element to web projects. With Framer Motion, creating scroll animations in React and Next JS is intuitive and seamless.

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Social Media
7 months ago

Love your work, keep it up!

Jethro Au
7 months ago

Why do you always sound so confusing like you know nothing about the code and just copying and pasting from someone else project?

7 months ago

I this responsive?

Felix Fale
7 months ago

Nice work

MilkyWay Montage
7 months ago

thanks for project

Esther Buchi
7 months ago

it feels like this video started right in the middle, and it's more like watching someone code without an explaination of "why" or "how"

mohamed youssef
7 months ago

awesome video +++++++++++ 🙂

Eduardo Leal
7 months ago

Cool, but it's not responsive?

Saksham Srivastava
7 months ago

Amazing 🎉

Logic gates
7 months ago

Well done! Could you please add the parallax and also make it responsive?

7 months ago

ohhhhhhhhh man
what have you done
this is amazing great work keep making

Pradeep Yadav
7 months ago

Thanks for this wonderful tutorial!! Looking forward to such more stuff

Omar Al Seddik
7 months ago

Looking neat. Thank you!

Diaby Mohammed Ibrahim
7 months ago

Great video bro❤

I think you should also include how to install the nextjs and other dependencies as their are some people who wants to learn and will get lost from the start

learn code
7 months ago

Awesome just wanted to learn this 😍😍😍 please bring more such tutorial on nextjs and framer 🔥

Ellis caicedo
7 months ago

Too bad you didn't do the navigation , great work

Ilman Manarul Qori
7 months ago

I lovit maaaan 🎉❤ another content framer motion ❤

Ryōmen Sukuna
7 months ago


Sash Naidu
7 months ago

Looking forward to this!

Earnest Achayo
7 months ago

Waiting ..