Building Standalone Angular 15 Components with Single Spa Integration

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Angular 15 standalone components within Single spa

Angular 15 standalone components within Single spa

Single spa is a popular JavaScript framework for creating micro frontends. It allows you to build separate, standalone components using different front-end frameworks and then combine them into a single application. In this article, we will discuss how to create Angular 15 standalone components within Single spa.

Getting started with Single spa

Before we dive into creating Angular 15 standalone components, let’s first understand how to get started with Single spa. You can install Single spa using npm:

    npm install single-spa

Once Single spa is installed, you can create your standalone Angular 15 components and then integrate them with Single spa.

Creating standalone Angular 15 components

To create standalone Angular 15 components, you can use the Angular CLI. First, install Angular CLI globally:

    npm install -g @angular/cli

Then, create a new Angular 15 project using the CLI:

    ng new my-angular-component

Once your Angular 15 project is created, you can create your standalone components using Angular 15’s powerful features such as modules, components, services, and more.

Integrating Angular 15 standalone components with Single spa

Once you have created your standalone Angular 15 components, you can integrate them with Single spa. Single spa provides a way to register and mount your Angular 15 components within the Single spa application. You can use Single spa’s APIs to do this:

    import { registerApplication, start } from 'single-spa'; 
import * as myAngularComponent from 'my-angular-component';
registerApplication('my-angular-component', myAngularComponent, () => true);

With this integration, your Angular 15 standalone components will be seamlessly integrated within the Single spa application.


In conclusion, Single spa is a powerful framework for creating micro frontends, and integrating Angular 15 standalone components within Single spa is a great way to build modular and scalable front-end applications. With the flexibility and power of Angular 15, you can create standalone components and then seamlessly integrate them within a Single spa application.

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6 months ago

Broo, thank you so much, i was very confused because most part of SPA tutorials with angular are very olds, i didn't know how to continue with that, you are a savior.

6 months ago

Thank you so much sir, i was very confused about the environment file i have put a lot of time on this finally your video helped me. thank you so much 🥰🙏🏼

6 months ago

The GitHub project does not work

Error: node_modules/single-spa-angular/src/extra-providers.d.ts:2:10 – error TS2724: '"@angular/common"' has no exported member named 'ɵBrowserPlatformLocation'. Did you mean 'BrowserPlatformLocation'?

2 import { ɵBrowserPlatformLocation, LocationChangeListener } from '@angular/common';



113 export declare class BrowserPlatformLocation extends PlatformLocation {


'BrowserPlatformLocation' is declared here.

Error: node_modules/single-spa-angular/src/extra-providers.d.ts:2:10 – error TS2724: '"@angular/common"' has no exported member named 'ɵBrowserPlatformLocation'. Did you mean 'BrowserPlatformLocation'?

2 import { ɵBrowserPlatformLocation, LocationChangeListener } from '@angular/common';



113 export declare class BrowserPlatformLocation extends PlatformLocation {


'BrowserPlatformLocation' is declared here.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Hello sir, 'ng g environments' command is not working. The error is "the term ng is not recognised as the name of a cmdlet, function, scriptfile, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if the path was included, verify if the path is correct and then try again" .