Building the About Page and Other Static Pages for a Headless WordPress Blog using Next.js [part 11]

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Creating the About page and other Static Pages – Next.js + Headless WordPress Blog [part 11]

Creating the About page and other Static Pages – Next.js + Headless WordPress Blog [part 11]

Welcome to part 11 of our Next.js + Headless WordPress Blog series. In this article, we will focus on creating static pages such as the About page for our blog.

1. About Page

The About page is an important part of any website as it gives visitors a chance to learn more about the people behind the blog or the company. To create the About page, we will first create a new file in our pages directory called about.js.

import React from 'react';
const About = () => {
return (

About Us

Welcome to our blog! We are a team of passionate writers and developers dedicated to bringing you the latest news and insights in the world of technology.


export default About;

Once we have created the about.js file with the above content, we can then add a link to the About page in our navigation menu on the blog. This will allow visitors to easily access the About page and learn more about us.

2. Other Static Pages

In addition to the About page, there may be other static pages that you want to include in your blog. These could include pages such as Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and more. To create these pages, you can follow a similar process to creating the About page by creating new files in the pages directory with the content for each page.

3. Styling the Static Pages

Once we have created the content for our static pages, we can then add styling to make them visually appealing. This can be done using CSS or a styling library such as styled-components. By adding styling to our static pages, we can ensure that they are consistent with the rest of the blog and provide a seamless user experience.

4. Conclusion

In this article, we have covered the process of creating static pages such as the About page for our Next.js + Headless WordPress blog. By following these steps, you can easily create and style static pages to provide additional content and information for your visitors.

Stay tuned for the next part of our series, where we will continue to explore various features and functionalities of Next.js + Headless WordPress!

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6 months ago

Thank you. But I still dont understand why we must fetch slugs of the all posts/pages by getXxxSlugs() functions. If we have ten thousands of posts or pages, won't it make the page speed very slowly? Do we have to fetch slugs of all the posts or pages?