
Burke masters Blazor by migrating a Vue.js app to Blazor

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Burke learns Blazor

Porting a Vue.js app to Blazor

Recently, Burke decided to learn Blazor by porting a Vue.js app to Blazor. He wanted to explore the differences and similarities between the two frameworks and gain a better understanding of Blazor’s capabilities.

Burke started by analyzing the Vue.js app and identifying its key components and features. He then began the process of recreating these features in a Blazor application. He found that the syntax and structure of Blazor were quite different from Vue.js, but with a bit of trial and error, he was able to successfully implement the key features of the app in Blazor.

One of the main differences Burke noticed was the use of C# in Blazor compared to JavaScript in Vue.js. While he was initially hesitant about this change, he quickly realized the benefits of using C# for both client-side and server-side development. The integration of C# and .NET in Blazor allowed him to easily reuse code and implement complex logic more efficiently.

Another difference Burke discovered was the use of Razor syntax in Blazor for creating components and pages. He found this to be a powerful feature that allowed him to easily generate dynamic content and data bindings without the need for additional libraries or frameworks.

Throughout the porting process, Burke encountered a few challenges, particularly in handling asynchronous operations and managing state. However, with the help of the Blazor community and documentation, he was able to overcome these challenges and gain a deeper understanding of Blazor’s capabilities.

In the end, Burke was impressed by the performance, flexibility, and productivity of Blazor. He found that porting a Vue.js app to Blazor was a valuable learning experience that helped him gain a better understanding of both frameworks and expand his development skills.

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7 months ago


7 months ago

How do u open a solution though dont see the option after installing dev tools?

Foto Foxes
7 months ago

You guys spent so much time and did nothing. Please prepare for the next time.

Micah Bello
7 months ago


<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly" Version="7.0.4" />

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.DevServer" Version="7.0.4" PrivateAssets="all" />


Updating the versions of these packages in the client project fixes the issue