In this tutorial, we will be creating a Python calculator with a graphical user interface using the PySimpleGUI library. We will also be taking inspiration from the Texas Instruments DataMath II calculator for the design and layout of the GUI.
PySimpleGUI is a simple and easy-to-use Python library that allows you to create GUI applications quickly and easily. It provides a high-level API for creating GUIs and supports different GUI frameworks such as Tkinter, Qt, and WxPython.
The Texas Instruments DataMath II calculator was a popular scientific calculator released in the 1970s. It featured a compact and ergonomic design, with a keypad layout that was intuitive and easy to use. We will be replicating the design and layout of the DataMath II calculator in our Python calculator GUI.
Let’s get started by installing the PySimpleGUI library. You can install PySimpleGUI using pip by running the following command in your terminal:
pip install PySimpleGUI
Once you have installed PySimpleGUI, you can start creating the Python calculator with GUI. Here is the code for the calculator GUI:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [
[sg.Input(size=(10, 1), key='-DISPLAY-', justification='right')],
[sg.Button('7'), sg.Button('8'), sg.Button('9'), sg.Button('/')],
[sg.Button('4'), sg.Button('5'), sg.Button('6'), sg.Button('*')],
[sg.Button('1'), sg.Button('2'), sg.Button('3'), sg.Button('-')],
[sg.Button('0'), sg.Button('.'), sg.Button('C'), sg.Button('+')],
[sg.Button('Calculate', size=(20, 1))]
window = sg.Window('Python Calculator', layout)
equation = ''
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
if event == 'C':
equation = ''
elif event == 'Calculate':
result = eval(equation)
equation = ''
equation += event
In this code, we have defined the layout of the calculator GUI using PySimpleGUI elements such as Input fields and Buttons. We have also implemented the functionality for handling user input, clearing the display, and calculating the result using the eval
To run the calculator GUI, simply execute the Python script in your terminal. You should see a window pop up with the calculator interface that resembles the Texas Instruments DataMath II calculator.
You can customize the GUI layout, styling, and functionality by modifying the code according to your requirements. You can add more buttons, implement additional mathematical operations, and incorporate advanced features such as memory functions and scientific calculations.
Overall, creating a Python calculator with GUI using PySimpleGUI is a fun and educational project that can help you improve your GUI programming skills and create useful applications for everyday use.
Awesome Tutorial
As a mechanical engineer, a lot of concepts like "event loop" are missing a name for me. Until watching this video. This is super high quality stuff. Thank you.
Please say I hindi
Hindi me bol bhai….
Thanks for your usefull job, Q: every element has no index, but if i wish change p.ex. the color of a button when pushed, if i have 5 or 10 buttons, how can i address each ones? thanks a lot.
this explained a number of PySimpleGUI concepts in 8 minutes that I didn't get anywhere else! Just starting to learn this library and this was an incredibly well thought out approach! Thanks!
Thank you. I'm looking good.
Is it possible to customize with the round(circle) button in PySimpleGUI?
Hi there, this video is pretty awesome. My English is bad but I almost completely understood, thanks a lot
For those who cant access pip try
py -m pip install
Thanks for explaining the basics!
Just curious; what code editor are you using?
This is what super high quality, well planned teaching looks like. Thanks a bunch!
Thanks so much. I'm working on a project and ended the day struggling to find out how to arrange my buttons in rows instead of the default columns. Watched your video and then bam! Rows.
Hlw sir I want code source of this calculator can u plz share this
This is really well done. Hope you make more.
Is this work with Cython?
import PySimpleGUI as sg
'Não utilizar pontos e vírgulas nos valores recebidos, não deixar valores em branco, pagamento não recebido colocar 0 (zero) !')
sg.theme('DarkAmber') # Add a touch of color
# All the stuff inside your window.
layout = ([sg.Text('Total recebido em Dinheiro:'), sg.Input(size=(7, 1), key=('valor0'))],
[sg.Text('Total recebido no Débito:'), sg.Input(size=(7, 1), key=('valor'))],
[sg.Text('Total recebido no Crédito a vista:'), sg.Input(size=(7, 1), key=('valor1'))],
[sg.Text('Total recebido Crédito até 6x:'), sg.Input(size=(7, 1), key=('valor2'))],
[sg.Text('Total recebido Crédito de 7x até 12x:'), sg.Input(size=(7, 1), key=('valor3'))],
[sg.Text('VALORES CARTÃO ELO', background_color='Black', justification='center4')],
[sg.Text('Total recebido Débito Elo:'), sg.Input(size=(7, 1), key=('valor4'))],
[sg.Text('Total recebido Crédito a vista Elo:'), sg.Input(size=(7, 1), key=('valor5'))],
[sg.Text('Total recebido Crédito Elo até 6x:'), sg.Input(size=(7, 1), key=('valor6'))],
[sg.Text('Total recebido Crédito Elo de 7x até 12x:'), sg.Input(size=(7, 1), key=('valor7'))],
[sg.Output(size=(80, 20))],
[sg.Button('Calcular'), sg.Button('Cancel')])
# Create the Window
window = sg.Window('Calculador porcentagem do Dentista', layout)
# Event Loop to process "events" and get the "values" of the inputs
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Cancel': # if user closes window or clicks cancel
# Aqui é feito o cálculo da porcentagem da maquininha a ser descontada do valor total
if event == 'Calcular':
values['valor0'] = float
values['valor'] = float
values['valor1'] = float
values['valor2'] = float
values['valor3'] = float
values['valor4'] = float
values['valor5'] = float
values['valor6'] = float
values['valor7'] = float
porcent = values['valor'] * 0.0178
porcent1 = values['valor1'] * 0.0294
porcent2 = values['valor2'] * 0.0350
porcent3 = values['valor3'] * 0.0370
porcent4 = values['valor4'] * 0.0304
porcent5 = values['valor5'] * 0.0409
porcent6 = values['valor6'] * 0.0462
porcent7 = values['valor7'] * 0.0509
desco = values['valor'] – porcent # Aqui é feito o desconto da taxa da maquininha do valor total
desco1 = values['valor1'] – porcent1
desco2 = values['valor2'] – porcent2
desco3 = values['valor3'] – porcent3
desco4 = values['valor4'] – porcent4
desco5 = values['valor5'] – porcent5
desco6 = values['valor6'] – porcent6
desco7 = values['valor7'] – porcent7
liq0 = values['valor0'] * 0.35 # Aqui é feito os 35% a ser repassado para o dentista do valor com a taxa da maquininha descontada
liq = desco * 0.35
liq1 = desco1 * 0.35
liq2 = desco2 * 0.35
liq3 = desco3 * 0.35
liq4 = desco4 * 0.35
liq5 = desco5 * 0.35
liq6 = desco6 * 0.35
liq7 = desco7 * 0.35
print('Valor liquido a receber é', liq0 + liq + liq1 + liq2 + liq3 + liq4 + liq5 + liq6 + liq7) # Aqui imprimi na tela o valor total dos 35% a ser repassado ao dentista de todos os pagamentos
#Not working… it didn't do the calculation, what is wrong with it please?
Thank you so much… Keep doing please!!!!
Hey bro, your videos are such high quality and so well thought out. Your quality is definitely noticeable, and I have no doubt it would have taken a lot of effort to do all this. It's a bummer to see that you stopped making videos. Overall, thank you so much for all the videos you've made 🙂
That was so pleasing to listen to and look at. It was short and sweet, and it really laid it all out there for me to go in and tinker/replicate it myself