Can Electron Stay Relevant in 2024? 💀 #javascript #software #technology #webdev #programmer #code #types

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Is Electron valid in 2024!? 💀

Is Electron valid in 2024!?

With the constantly evolving landscape of technology and software development, many developers are questioning the longevity and validity of certain tools and frameworks. One such framework that has been a topic of discussion is Electron.

Electron is an open-source framework developed by GitHub that allows developers to build cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It has gained popularity over the years due to its ease of use and flexibility.

As we look ahead to 2024, the question arises – Is Electron still a valid choice for developers?

While some may argue that Electron may not be the most efficient or performant choice for building desktop applications, it still offers a level of convenience and ease of development that many developers appreciate. With the constant updates and improvements being made to Electron, it is likely that it will continue to be a valid option for building desktop applications in 2024.

Ultimately, the decision to use Electron will depend on the specific requirements and constraints of the project at hand. As technology continues to evolve, developers will have a plethora of tools and frameworks to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

So, in conclusion, while the landscape of software development may change over time, Electron is likely to remain a valid choice for developers in 2024 and beyond.

Tags: #javascript #software #technology #webdev #programmer #code #types

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4 months ago

Electron is amazing

4 months ago

Developers: obsessed with squeezing every ounce of performance out of their apps whilst simultaneously using next to no resources.
Users: just happy the app works on their preferred platform/device

Clearly the most popular and successful apps are not necessarily the fastest or least resource intensive.

4 months ago


4 months ago

I use Wails instead (Go)

4 months ago

You don’t have issues with Slack??? Then you don’t use Slack 😂

4 months ago

Revery ui

4 months ago

this is objectively wrong in some parts (mbps for a file and electron being easy for multiplattform, ask discord why that one is hard)
and the slow boot time is the worst part about every electron app, I don't care if something else uses a little less ram while it's open, I open apps to use them and don't have much other stuff open so to a user like me Electron apps are the worst thing ever

4 months ago

Tauri isn't quite there yet, but it's in a good direction. Once the APIs are clearly defined to the point where you can swap out your back end language of choice, it'll be the clear winner. Last time I checked it out, swapping back end languages was on the radar.

4 months ago

who the fk would want to develop web apps for a desktop?
the whole reason why we don't become web developers is because it fking sucks

4 months ago

Since when 40Mbps means 40MB big?

4 months ago


4 months ago

I kid you not this was my first fully-fledged JS experience. Needless to say everything after was somehow better

4 months ago

Checkout wails

4 months ago

Why not just use the web version? I mean Idk why but web apps like discord start faster as a page than as an app and doesn't waste spsce

4 months ago

Flutter enters the chat

4 months ago

i created lots of apps off electron. why would anyone hate on it 🤷🏽‍♀️

4 months ago

"but it's easier!!" fuck off man, I'd still be happily using my ten year old laptop if not for electron shit sucking up all my CPU cycles

4 months ago

Teams, visual studio code all built on electron

4 months ago

What keyboard is that? I’m in the market for a new one.

4 months ago

It fuckn sucks