Can the Ceasefire Really Benefit Hamas? | CBN NewsWatch – November 28, 2023

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The recent ceasefire between Hamas and Israel has brought about a period of calm in the region, but many are questioning whether this agreement is truly helping Hamas achieve its goals. CBN NewsWatch reports on the impact of the ceasefire and how it is affecting the militant group.

Since the ceasefire was brokered, there has been a significant reduction in violence and hostilities between Hamas and Israel. This has undoubtedly led to a much-needed respite for the people living in the Gaza Strip, who have endured years of conflict and suffering. The easing of tensions has allowed for the delivery of essential humanitarian aid and has given the residents of Gaza a chance to rebuild their lives.

However, the ceasefire has also raised concerns about whether it is serving the interests of Hamas. Some critics argue that the agreement has only given the militant group the opportunity to regroup and rearm, as well as expand its influence and control over the region.

There are also reports that Hamas is using the ceasefire to strengthen its position within Gaza and consolidate its power. The group has reportedly been cracking down on any opposition and dissent, further tightening its grip on the territory. This has raised alarm among many who fear that Hamas is taking advantage of the ceasefire to further entrench its rule and suppress any voices of opposition.

Furthermore, there are concerns that the ceasefire has allowed Hamas to continue its efforts to acquire and develop more sophisticated weaponry, which could pose an even greater threat to Israel in the future. The concerns of the Israeli government and its allies are legitimate, as they seek to prevent Hamas from gaining access to weapons that could be used to launch further attacks on Israeli territory.

It is important to note that the ceasefire has also had an impact on the political landscape in the region. Hamas has been able to present itself as a capable and responsible governing authority, and this has improved its standing in the eyes of the international community. The group has been able to portray itself as a force for stability and peace, despite its history of engaging in violent and terrorist activities.

The ceasefire has undoubtedly brought a period of calm and relief to the people living in the region, but it has also given Hamas an opportunity to strengthen its position and further its agenda. As the ceasefire continues, it will be crucial for the international community to closely monitor Hamas’ actions and ensure that the group does not exploit the agreement to pursue its dangerous ambitions.

Ultimately, the question of whether the ceasefire is helping Hamas is a complex one, as it involves weighing the immediate benefits of peace against the long-term implications for the security and stability of the region. The international community must remain vigilant and engaged to ensure that the ceasefire ultimately serves the best interests of all those living in the region.

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6 months ago

No, it helps israel drag on the plight of the palestiniens by controlling their water, food, fuel, electricity, movements and hoping that this will go on long enough for the world to start looking the other way

6 months ago

Love your tweetable and Amen 💝 🙏 ✝️ 🕊

6 months ago


6 months ago

The ceasefire and releasing terrorists is helping Hamas.
Israel knows that and yet Israel is still helping Hamas commit atrocities

6 months ago

Irish are huge antisemites, not a surprise.

6 months ago

Pray for the brave IDF

6 months ago

Long live isreal shalom shalom

6 months ago

Meanwhile, in Hawaii…

6 months ago

Jesus was a Jew! He rode a donkey!

6 months ago

It was Muslims who protected Jews from Germans.

6 months ago

Do ypu think its helping israel?

6 months ago

Of course, that's your plan!!!

6 months ago

So is hamas not a terrorist organization?

6 months ago

What an arrogant question!!! You want the death toll to reach 20k. One day you’ll look back on these reports and cringe in shame !

6 months ago

This is all about oil. Same as always.

6 months ago


6 months ago

As someone who prioritizes children not being killed, Hamas seems like the lesser of two evils when comparing them to Israel

6 months ago

Kirby is a very ignorant man & he holds back the real truth when he has not answered in the past saying ; He is not going to answer that question, on TV! Like he is hiding! 👹

6 months ago

What is a solution?
Give more Billions of dollars to Iran,
It only makes sense, correct?

6 months ago

Should avoid from resuming military campaign again and keep peace amid such difficult time for Palestinians