Can You Solve This Simple Yet Confusing JavaScript Quiz? #javascript #coding

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Test Your JavaScript Skills

Test Your JavaScript Skills

Are you ready to test your JavaScript knowledge with a very simple but confusing quiz? Let’s see if you can solve it!

First, take a look at this code:

let a = 10; ++a?

What do you think the output of this code will be? Take a moment to think about it, and then give it a try!

Once you have your answer, you can check it against the correct solution below:

The output of the code let a = 10; ++a? will be:


Did you get it right? If not, don’t worry! JavaScript can be tricky sometimes, but the more you practice, the better you’ll get at it.

Feel free to try more quizzes and challenges to sharpen your JavaScript skills. And remember, practice makes perfect!

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7 months ago

Wrong explanation, a = 11, b = 11 , c = 11 at the end not 10+11+12. Go and check