Can Zelensky Put an End to the Russian Assault in the Russia-Ukraine War? | WION

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The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been a source of tension and instability in Eastern Europe for several years. The latest escalation in the conflict has seen a significant increase in hostilities, with Russian forces continuing their assault on Ukrainian territory. The question now on everyone’s mind is whether Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky can stop the Russian assault.

Since coming to power in 2019, Zelensky has been at the forefront of efforts to end the conflict with Russia and achieve a peaceful resolution. He has pushed for negotiations and has made several overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin in an effort to de-escalate the situation. However, these efforts have so far failed to yield tangible results, and the Russian assault on Ukraine has only intensified.

The Russian assault on Ukraine has resulted in a devastating humanitarian crisis, with thousands of people displaced and many more facing dire conditions as a result of the conflict. The international community has condemned Russia’s actions and has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. However, the question remains as to what steps Zelensky can take to stop the assault and protect his country’s sovereignty.

One of the key challenges facing Zelensky is the military might of Russia, which far surpasses that of Ukraine. Despite this power imbalance, Zelensky has sought to bolster Ukraine’s defenses by enlisting support from Western allies, including the United States and the European Union. The provision of military aid and support from these countries has been crucial in helping Ukraine withstand the Russian assault and defend its territory.

In addition to seeking military support, Zelensky has also been working to strengthen diplomatic ties with Ukraine’s allies in the hope of garnering further international support in its conflict with Russia. However, the ongoing conflict has strained relations between Russia and the West, making it increasingly difficult for Zelensky to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Despite the challenges, Zelensky remains steadfast in his commitment to defending Ukraine’s sovereignty and ending the Russian assault on his country. He has continued to engage in diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict and has called for a renewed international effort to protect Ukraine from Russian aggression.

In conclusion, the Russian assault on Ukraine poses a significant challenge for President Zelensky. While he has sought to rally international support and strengthen Ukraine’s defenses, the conflict remains far from being resolved. The coming months will be crucial in determining whether Zelensky can halt the Russian assault and find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The international community must continue to stand in solidarity with Ukraine and support its efforts to defend its sovereignty. Only through collective action can we hope to bring an end to the violence and instability in Eastern Europe.

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6 months ago


6 months ago

Russia-Ukraine war: Can Zelensky stop the Russian assault. Answer NO

6 months ago


6 months ago

Its moot and academic. If Ukraine failed before when it was strong and had military advantage by these game-changer weapons the US-led West had provided, what else zelensky could perform when these Ukrainian field armies no longer exists, and US Congress had stop US tax payers money aid to Ukraine. The 200 million dollar Joe Biden gave to zelensky is just a fraction likened to a "rock than the moon" that is 0.03 in size what he begged from US Congress.

6 months ago

Zelensky is a fool

6 months ago

Nato is the lap dog of the evil race of America 🇺🇸

6 months ago

Sad to watch thses old groupies send young memes to war.

Aint fighting thr war of any leader; they may have to start sending their children and family to fight

6 months ago

Selesky is idiot he knows that russia never is going to lose the war , and he continue killing his own country people that’s ridiculous.

6 months ago

Zelenstinky to troops – dont give up defend kupiansk..keep fighting, while i enjoy travelling and my wife can buy gold in france and i can loot all US aid packages Ukraine troops : screw you zelenstinky

6 months ago

Zelensky is a lunatic in 21 first century .

6 months ago


6 months ago

Bush jr called this turd Winston Churchill
But then again Bush thought he himself was U.S. Grant

6 months ago

This is real journalism. Telling the undeniable truth.

Don't understand why US and NATO shows only moral support but don't join Ukraine with military actions.

6 months ago

We are bored with news coming out of Ukraine and we don’t care about Ukraine anymore. They are already yesterday’s news.

Inform us when the Russian conquerors finally cut their country into equal halves permanently by annexing it or if Ukraine successfully kicks the Russians out of their country. We will send aids to Ukrainians and we genuinely feel sorry for their plight. They deserve that at least.

Next time they should use their brains when they vote for their leaders. Everyone all over the second and third world are learning this the hard way. Maybe it’s time for a country in Europe to learn this lesson too. Racist Ukraine is not special and Europe’s problems are not the problems of 2/3 of the world. The Russians can destroy them by Christmas for all we care. The world doesn’t stand with Ukraine only the Caucasian race do. Let’s establish that fact to remove the delusions of these people who think that the world is just NATO and Europe. This is a local and domestic tribal wars of the Caucasian race only. Based on what they do in Africa and how they react to black people? I have zero empathy for the racist nation of Ukraine. Sorry it happened to their people, this is our own reality created by their race deliberately. Have at it Russia.

6 months ago

NATO membership is what started the War in the First place

6 months ago

Does anyone know if they're totally cut off? Because if Ukraine has all that money they can hire mercenaries, and jets, and tanks, and bullets

6 months ago

these guys could stop the war by arresting zelensky and negotiating a way out with Russians.

6 months ago

Ukraine is finished.

6 months ago

run out of men ?

6 months ago

The powerful man on earth V PUTIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!