Canada’s UN Vote on Middle East: Lilley Unleashed on the Disgrace

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LILLEY UNLEASHED: Canada’s vote at UN over Middle East disgraceful

Canada’s recent vote at the United Nations over the situation in the Middle East has sparked outrage and criticism from many. The vote, which saw Canada siding with a majority of other nations in the UN General Assembly, has been labeled as disgraceful and a betrayal of its allies in the region.

The vote in question was on a resolution that called for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Canada’s decision to support the resolution has been met with condemnation from Israel and its allies, and has raised concerns about the future of Canada’s relations with the Middle East.

Many have criticized Canada’s vote as being one-sided and lacking in nuance. They argue that the resolution unfairly targets Israel while ignoring the actions of other actors in the region. Additionally, Canada’s decision to support the resolution goes against the traditional stance of previous Canadian governments, which have typically taken a more balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Some have also questioned the timing of the vote, which comes at a time of increased tensions in the region. With the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, many have criticized Canada for not standing firmly with its ally during a time of crisis.

The vote has also raised concerns about the broader implications for Canada’s foreign policy. Many worry that Canada’s decision to support the resolution at the UN may strain its relations with Israel and its allies in the region. Additionally, it may also impact Canada’s standing on the world stage and its ability to play a constructive role in the Middle East peace process.

In response to the criticism, Canadian officials have defended the country’s vote at the UN, arguing that it reflects Canada’s commitment to a just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They have also stressed that Canada’s friendship with Israel remains strong and unwavering.

However, the backlash to Canada’s vote at the UN continues to grow. Many are calling on the Canadian government to reconsider its position and to take a more balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The vote has also reignited the debate over Canada’s foreign policy and its role in the Middle East.

Overall, Canada’s vote at the UN over the Middle East has stirred controversy and criticism. The decision to support the resolution has been labeled as disgraceful and a betrayal of Canada’s allies in the region. It remains to be seen how this vote will impact Canada’s foreign policy and its relations with the Middle East in the future.

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6 months ago

Trudeau does not represent a sovereign Canada, he has sold out completely to the New World Order.

6 months ago

Correct 100%, i am ashamed to be Canadian today, again under trudeau!!

6 months ago

Another insane thing this Government has done. Does he and the Foreign Minister even know what is going on?? Sounds to me playing to all the Pro Palestinian protests and to secure their votes. This Government is so far out in left field it is very scary. And, the NDP are certainly no better!

6 months ago

The moral cowardice, the sell out by the UN and countries who should have learned from the past, siding with terrorists, brutal tyrannical states like Syria, North Korea, Russia, the hypocrisy, I can only guess that is a vicious anti semitism that has finally found its excuse to come out of the darkness and tbe millions of $$Qatar dollars, and the seduction of gazan victim propaganda. If any group knows how to exploit and perpetrate the victim narrative it's the Palestinians and their benighted supporters.

6 months ago

The liberals , (NOT Canadians) Russia ,North Korea and Arab states are more similar than just this vote. Trudeau must go !

6 months ago

Shame on Canada !!! Shame on Trudeau !!!

6 months ago

Thankyou for this Brian, you are awesome 😊👍

6 months ago

Why don't they make a resolution asking Hamas to surrender?

6 months ago

Almost everything the Trudeau liberals do is disgraceful

6 months ago

Trudeau deserves 0 ( ZERO ) respect

6 months ago

UN and the WHO are now elitist run useless organizations and Canada should ignore them and never give them taxpayer cash!

6 months ago

Trudeau just an epic failure at home, amoral, corrupt, a very useful idiot to the WEF and those who wish to destroy western values and democracy

6 months ago

Canada siding with terrorist … disgraceful !

6 months ago

Just another case of Trudeau disgracing Canada on the world stage. This Canadian does not support a ceasefire!

6 months ago

My government does not represent me or my country.

6 months ago

Brian ..only sane voice in Canadian media that I see

6 months ago

To think our once united country has been permanently divided by these selfish barbarians makes me ill.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Many wealthy individuals maintain their wealth by adopting frugal spending habits similar to those of the less affluent. They also prioritize continuous investment, whereas some poorer individuals tend to spend extravagantly without focusing on long-term investments, often attempting to impress those who are already wealthy.

6 months ago

Amnesty International identified those terror tunnels in 2014. As did the NY times and the Washingron post but still…here we are.