Canadian Michael turns on Canada as he is held for spying in China, India retaliates against Nijjar

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In a recent turn of events, two Michaels, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, were arrested in China on charges of espionage. This comes as a retaliation against Canada for the arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in 2018. The tension between the two countries has been lingering for quite some time, and now it seems to have reached a peak with the arrest of these two Canadians in China.

The news has sparked outrage and concern in Canada, with many calling for the immediate release of Spavor and Kovrig. Many see their arrest as a form of hostage diplomacy, as China escalates its dispute with Canada over the Meng Wanzhou case. The Canadian government has expressed deep concern over the detainment of these two men and has called for their release on numerous occasions.

In response to the situation, the Canadian government has also reached out to its allies for support. The United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union have all condemned China’s actions and have called for the release of Spavor and Kovrig. These nations have also expressed their support for Canada in this challenging time.

Meanwhile, in a separate incident, India has also experienced diplomatic tensions with Canada. A report has surfaced regarding the Indian government’s criticism of Canada for not taking action against pro-Khalistan activists, particularly Hardeep Singh Nijjar. Nijjar, who has been accused of being involved in terrorist activities, has been living in Canada for several years, raising concerns among Indian officials.

India has accused Canada of turning a blind eye to Nijjar’s activities and has called for stronger action against him. The Indian government has also expressed disappointment in the lack of support from Canada in addressing the issue of Khalistani extremism, which has been a point of contention between the two nations.

Both of these incidents have put Canada in an uncomfortable position, as it grapples with the implications of its relationship with both China and India. The arrest of the two Michaels in China has highlighted the risks of being caught in the middle of international disputes, while the criticism from India adds another layer of complexity to Canada’s foreign relations.

As these tensions continue to unfold, it is essential for Canada to navigate these diplomatic challenges carefully and strategically. The government must work to secure the release of Spavor and Kovrig while also addressing the concerns raised by India. Finding a resolution to these conflicts will be crucial in maintaining Canada’s reputation and standing in the global community.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

The China of today is not the China of yesterday… lies runs on sprint but truth wins on marathon.. Canada is now toasted of being an unreliable pariah country …

6 months ago


6 months ago

Shekar Guptaji, you need to be honest. West does NOT have a large heart as you claim. West is accepting immigration because, their populations are aging, they are not producing enough kids. They badly need immigrants, for their own growth, and to pay for the health care and old age pensions. Without immigrants, it simply cannot happen. The problem for them, they are accepting anyone and everyone that comes along, as a result they are accepting jihadis, extremists, and unable to clamp down on radicalization.

6 months ago

Great embarrassment for India

6 months ago

Only Western Canadians are smart enough to reject Trudeau, aka blackface predator.

6 months ago

If Trudeau was capable of feeling shame, I expect he would regret many of the stupid decisions he has mode. Unfortunately, he is shameless, and the only angle he considers is how to get more votes, even if that means he pals up with terrorists and drug smugglers.

6 months ago

Bha-Rat Suckdeeps are clowns 😂

6 months ago

Stop this nonsense Canada & USA is much better smarter than India

6 months ago

Come on India. Just plainly say, anybody who threatens India will have to face consequences. Its nonsense to be politically correct when someone or group threatens a nation. This is the sickness of democratic countries at the expense of unnecessary strain internally and externally.

6 months ago

When can we learn not to enjoy at the fall of adversary rather than celebrate our victory, Mr Gupta? In the entire episode, the only sentence i liked is your last one, no one has high moral ground. It is true of all countries and let us not brag about it. Your repeated assertion that US has provided evidence while canada could not, let us realise that US case is one of trapping the culprit though their intelligence wing, while the Canada case is actual killing of its citizen. In one on earth can have similar evidence in both cases. Why do not we allow this to die down as we can't claim any innocence convincingly or Canada cannot provide us photographs or videos of killing by Indian agents or their accomplices.

6 months ago

They need us. Reason for open arm invitation by Canada.

6 months ago

Your are truly an unbiased honest guy ! Your views give so much clarity & conviction , my Namaskara to you,!

6 months ago

Canadians are dumbos. Stop licking their boots. My friends have inputs that clearly indicate disaster in happening

6 months ago

Are Canadians smart? Pt1. They are respected – they are an established order WASPnation… they performed heinous crimes against the native population .
Pt 2. They are welcoming of refugees – yes, they do want people to come and work for them, of course they are welcoming.

6 months ago

Canadians themselves will tell you that Trudeau is probably the worst PM that Canada has ever had.
Quite probably some of the Canadian diplomats thrown out by India were indeed up to no good.

6 months ago

"Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times"

This perfectly explains the situation of the west. Incompetent, soft on Jihad, mentally backward, socially ruined and too woke to wake up and smell the coffee.

Canada is so incompetent that even amongst the west, it is simply the worst. Drugs, minority appeasement, violence, inflation, joblessness and generally unaffordable. They also have the weakest government

6 months ago

why does even YouTube time and again show me tgis assh**le video। always trying to spin narrative to attack India, pity ob rhe followers of him

6 months ago

Indian or not you are reporting facts and the truth. Good for you 🎉🎉.

6 months ago

The Chinese are no saints, but Trudeau govt in Canada is working hard to capture a dominant marketshsre in hypocrisy and corruption.