Capturing lightning in a bottle, and holding onto the spark

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Catching Lightning in a Bottle

Catching Lightning in a Bottle, then keeping it

They say that catching lightning in a bottle is impossible, but we beg to differ. With determination, focus, and a bit of luck, you can indeed catch that elusive spark and keep it glowing for as long as you desire.

Step 1: Prepare for the Storm

Before you can catch lightning in a bottle, you first need to be in the right place at the right time. Lightning is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the atmosphere becomes charged with electricity during a storm. So, keep an eye on the weather forecast and be ready to spring into action when a storm approaches.

Step 2: Seize the Moment

When the lightning strikes, be quick to react. Hold out your bottle, open-mouthed, and wait for the bolt to strike. Be cautious and make sure you are in a safe location to avoid any harm from the lightning strike.

Step 3: Capturing the Lightning

As the lightning strikes the bottle, the electricity will flow into the glass, creating a beautiful display of light and energy. Quickly seal the bottle to trap the lightning inside before it dissipates into the air. Congratulations, you have caught lightning in a bottle!

Step 4: Keeping the Spark Alive

Now that you have caught lightning in a bottle, you need to take care of it to keep it glowing. Make sure to store the bottle in a cool, dark place to preserve the energy. You can admire the captured lightning whenever you need a spark of inspiration or motivation.

Step 5: Unleash the Power

When the time comes, you can unleash the power of the captured lightning for a burst of creativity or productivity. Just open the bottle and let the energy flow, igniting your passions and fueling your ambitions.

Remember, catching lightning in a bottle is a rare and magical feat, so cherish the moment and appreciate the power that you hold in your hands. With determination and care, you can keep the spark alive for as long as you desire.

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2 months ago

ive had troubles, but ive had ideas, now its only time.

2 months ago

Garry that was awesome!

2 months ago

Hi Gary, as a balding 27 year old your hair looks slick and classy on camera as if Apple company designed themselves.

2 months ago

Your content always pushes me toward learning something new and hope to learn more in the next.

2 months ago

00:49 images were probably generated by AI. Tho. apart from this Gary, I want to meet you one day to thank you for helping me in all these challenging days of mine.

2 months ago

Loved the video, the story telling and key message! Any tips on how to transitioning as a founder from 0 -> 1 to 1 -> 100… stage?

2 months ago

Hey Garry, I really look forward to your comments on ChatGPT. Anytime soon you will post a video about that?

2 months ago

Garry, I have gone from 0 to 1. Can you help me get from 1 to 100?

2 months ago

Lightening in a bottle: persistency and luck cross paths

2 months ago

thanks a lot garry

2 months ago

Amazing dude thank you

2 months ago

Needed to hear this, thanks Garry!

2 months ago

I think the quote is from Calvin Coolidge not Ray ..

2 months ago

beautiful insight!!

2 months ago

Amazing stuff you got here. We slowly catching up to being entrepreneurs, thanks to you, Garry 🙏🏾

2 months ago

In the McDonald's example they found out methods engineering and work study on their own to come up with minimizing delivery time.

2 months ago

thanks Garry!

2 months ago

Great video. Thank you.

2 months ago

Dude that’s a Calvin Coolidge quote, not ray crock lol

2 months ago

All I got to say is thank you.