Cilok is a popular Indonesian snack made from chewy tapioca flour balls usually served with a peanut sauce. It is typically served skewered on a stick and is loved by many for its chewy texture and savory flavor. However, there is often a common complaint that cilok can be too hard or tough, making it difficult to enjoy.
In this tutorial, I will share with you some tips from a cilok seller on how to make the perfect soft and chewy cilok without it becoming too hard.
Use the right ratio of tapioca flour to water: The key to making soft cilok is to get the ratio of tapioca flour to water just right. Start by mixing 1 cup of tapioca flour with 1 cup of water and knead it until it forms a smooth dough. If the dough is too sticky, you can add a little more tapioca flour until it is smooth and pliable.
Add some cornstarch: To help make the cilok softer, you can add a couple of tablespoons of cornstarch to the dough mixture. This will help to give the cilok a smoother and softer texture.
Let the dough rest: Once you have formed the dough, let it rest for at least 10-15 minutes before shaping it into balls. This will allow the dough to relax and become more pliable, making it easier to shape into cilok.
Shape the cilok: To make the cilok, take small amounts of dough and roll them into small balls. You can make them as big or small as you like, depending on your preference. The key is to make them uniform in size so that they cook evenly.
Boil the cilok in hot water: Bring a pot of water to a boil and drop the cilok balls into the water. Let them cook for about 3-5 minutes or until they start to float to the surface. Be careful not to overcook them as they will become rubbery.
Shock the cilok in cold water: Once the cilok balls have cooked, remove them from the boiling water and immediately plunge them into a bowl of ice-cold water. This will shock the cilok and help to stop the cooking process, ensuring that they remain soft and chewy.
- Serve with a delicious peanut sauce: Cilok is traditionally served with a savory peanut sauce made from ground peanuts, palm sugar, garlic, and other spices. You can also add some kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) for extra flavor. Dip the cilok skewers into the peanut sauce and enjoy!
By following these tips from a cilok seller, you can make the perfect soft and chewy cilok that is sure to be a hit with your friends and family. Experiment with different flavors and spices to create your own unique twist on this popular Indonesian snack. Happy cooking!
Nah cocok nih buat berhemat
kakk aku bikinnya udh mendidih tpi kok ga mengapung ya ciloknya?
200 gr itu kira2 brp sendok ya?
Perbandingan tepung nya sama ya bun
Alhmdllh barusan udh mencoba bener2 empuk trmksh bunda resepnya
Tepung tapioka tepung apa ya? Masf dari malaysia tak paham hm
Masyaallah enak sekali ciloknya
Kayaknya enak banget dehh
Mantap 😋😋😋
Nyesel bgt ga recook dari kemarin². Tekstur ciloknya mantep bangett. Ga terlalu kenyal dan ga terlalu keras. Pas udah dingin juga bener² masih empuk 🤤🤤🤤
Sudah recook, hasilnya mantap semua keluarga suka😁
Itu pake daging atau kagak si😊
Semalem nemu resep inii langsung recook .. dann hasilnya topp bngt rasanya pas, ngga alot ataupun keras .. sisa cilok smalem aq masukin kulkas dan siang tdi aq keluarin di suhu ruang aja trus dimakan pake saos, aslii masih empuk dan ini tekstur cilok yg aq carii selama inii kaa . Makasiiii reseppnyaaaa .. 👍👍👍
Wah pasti enak 😁
Brp rupiah panci satu set kak??
Takaran tepung terigu sama tapioka nya sama ya ka
Itu terigunya berapa
Terima kasih resep nya. Sudah recook. Berhasil ❤. Cuma setelah masuk freezer dikeluarkan susah utk dipotel. Sedangkan yg beli di Frozen food setelah keluar freezer bs lgs dipotel/mudah dipisahkan tanpa hrs di towing dulu. Kasih tips dunk bagaimana agar BS seperti yg dijual Frozen food (mudah dipotel tanpa towing)