Carmack Explains How JavaScript Overcomes Flaws and Inefficiencies to Dominate: The Speed of Light #Shorts

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Sure! Here is a tutorial on how to create a video about Carmack’s talk on how JavaScript dominates despite its flaws and inefficiencies using HTML tags:

Step 1: Create a new HTML file

Before we begin, create a new HTML file and open it in your favorite text editor. We will be using HTML tags to structure the content of the video.

Step 2: Add a title to the page

Start by adding a title to the page. Use the <title> tag to give your page a title. For this tutorial, you can use something like "Carmack’s JavaScript Talk Video".

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Carmack's JavaScript Talk Video</title>

Step 3: Add a heading to the page

Next, let’s add a heading to the page to introduce the video. Use the <h1> tag to create a heading.

<h1>Carmack: How JavaScript Dominates Despite Flaws & Inefficiencies</h1>

Step 4: Embed the YouTube video

Now, let’s embed the YouTube video of Carmack’s talk. You can use the <iframe> tag to embed the video.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Replace "VIDEO_ID" with the actual ID of Carmack’s talk video on YouTube.

Step 5: Add a description of the video

Below the video, add a description of Carmack’s talk using a <p> tag.

<p>In this video, John Carmack discusses how JavaScript dominates despite its flaws and inefficiencies. He talks about the speed of light and how JavaScript continues to be a powerful language for web development.</p>

Step 6: Add emojis to the description

To add emojis to the description, you can use Unicode characters or emoji codes. For example, you can use &#x1F499 for the heart emoji.

<p>In this video, John Carmack discusses how JavaScript dominates despite its flaws and inefficiencies. He talks about the speed of light and how JavaScript continues to be a powerful language for web development. &#x1F499 &#x1F49B &#x1F422</p>

Step 7: Add a closing statement

To conclude the video, add a closing statement using a <p> tag.

<p>Watch the video to learn more about how JavaScript 💥DOMINATES despite ❤️‍🩹 flaws & 🐢 inefficiencies. Don't miss out on the ⚡️Speed of Light of JavaScript!</p>

Step 8: Save and preview your HTML file

Save the HTML file and open it in a web browser to preview the video about Carmack’s talk on JavaScript. You can then customize the design and layout of the video using CSS styles if needed.

That’s it! You have now created a video about Carmack’s talk on how JavaScript dominates despite its flaws and inefficiencies using HTML tags. Feel free to customize the content and design further to suit your preferences. Happy coding!

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1 month ago

Decades of improvements to every component of the PC, thousands of times faster transistors, yet here I am still waiting for websites to buffer and load.

Why is that? well, one reason is because Programmers haven't kept up, according to John Carmack.

What is your opinion on the state of Javascript and the web at large today? Is it okay that developers are comfortable slacking with their code by a factor of 1,000x when compute technology advances 1,000x forward?

Do you use 20 Javascript frameworks on every project just to prove a point that you don't care about so-called "bloat?"

Tell me what you think in the comments below. All perspectives welcome! 👇