Challenger Questions US State Department Spokesman About Israel’s Actions

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The US State Department Spokesman, Ned Price, faced a barrage of tough questions from reporters regarding Israel’s recent actions in the West Bank and Gaza. Price had to defend the US government’s stance on the matter amidst growing international concern and criticism of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

Reporters at the State Department briefing pressed Price on the Biden administration’s response to Israel’s ongoing settlement expansion in the West Bank and the recent escalation of violence in Gaza. Many were skeptical of the US government’s assertion that it was “deeply concerned” about the situation, given its history of unwavering support for Israel.

One reporter pointed out that the US government had blocked a United Nations Security Council statement condemning Israel’s eviction of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. The move had sparked widespread protests and violence, leading to a tense standoff between Israeli forces and Palestinian demonstrators.

Price’s responses were carefully worded and diplomatic, but he faced an uphill battle in justifying the US government’s position. When asked about the Biden administration’s plans to hold Israel accountable for its actions, Price struggled to provide a clear answer, emphasizing the need for “quiet, intensive diplomacy” to address the issue.

The State Department Spokesman’s attempts to navigate the contentious issue highlighted the challenges the Biden administration faces in balancing its support for Israel with growing international pressure to address the plight of the Palestinians. Critics argue that the US government’s failure to take a stronger stance against Israel’s actions undermines its credibility as a mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The tense exchange at the State Department briefing underscored the deep divisions and complexities surrounding the Israel-Palestine issue. It also served as a reminder of the broader challenges facing the Biden administration in formulating a coherent and effective foreign policy in the Middle East.

As the situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories continues to escalate, it is clear that the US government will face increasing scrutiny and pressure to address the root causes of the conflict. The State Department Spokesman’s challenging briefing is just the latest indication of the high stakes involved and the difficult decisions that lie ahead for the Biden administration.

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6 months ago

So he waits instead of demanding but he cares

6 months ago

“I suggest you take our words at face value.. When we say we’re concerned we’re concerned”


6 months ago

If anyone needs to defend itself then it's Palestine. These so called politicians make me so angry. They hold these press conferences and just deny and lie through their teeth. How can they live with them self knowing that they are all partners to mass murder.

6 months ago

the stupidity of biden's administration is just astonishing

6 months ago

Trouble is they're asking a nation that happily breaks international laws and commits war crimes to condemn another nation doing the same.

6 months ago

How about boycotting the press conference???

6 months ago

As an african American this situation hives me insight on how the A government handle their own genocide against my ppl, the native Americans-and the concentration camps of the Japanese Americans

6 months ago

Take Americas word at value. It to the point we’re America will never be able to come back to it again.
They have completely lost it and will never regain it because of Genocide Joe poor leadership lie upon lie. I can only assume they think they are so smart that when they speak they think the world believes in what they are saying. Not so

6 months ago

This mf, all these mfs, and please excuse my language, pun intended for my words…are just liars and incapable and incompetent people who can longer be trusted with a local municipal authority or office, let alone representatives of the US government.
They have lost ALL credibility.

6 months ago

3 point 8 billion . dollarsany decades
In per year of the ambberican taxpayers money for many years
In fact 130 billion dollars of the american taxpayers money from 1948
¹no oher countries have gad such luck

6 months ago

what the f…

6 months ago

🤡 clown in suit this guy kirby he keeps on ignoring palistinians is as if he was sent by Israel or maybe he's a Zionist

6 months ago

Israel and its powerful lobbies control the USA. American politicians are powerless.

6 months ago

Thank you to white journalists for stepping up for those that don't look like you

6 months ago

When they say they haven't killed any journalist in Iraq, believe them and take it at face value. Absolute bollocks.

6 months ago

Man this US official is fear and confusion personified. Many sleepless nights in this person’s life currently guaranteed.

6 months ago

Our government is run by disgusting cowards!

6 months ago

Oh, okay, and I guess you’ll accept any answer about clarifying the circumstances and just moving along to approving more budget and arms for Israel so they can defend themselves a little more ? What a circus 🤡

6 months ago

Everything comes down to them taking Israel’s word for everything. Israel is the only source in the world for the side saying this is not a clear genocide.

6 months ago

Next time Europe and USA cry about Ukraine. It will fall on deaf ears. 🙏🇮🇳👍