
Changing or Adding a Favicon in ReactJS #react

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How to Change/Add Favicon in ReactJS

How to Change/Add Favicon in ReactJS

Adding a favicon to your ReactJS application can give it a more professional look and help users identify your website from the browser tabs. Here’s how you can easily change or add a favicon to your ReactJS project:

Step 1: Create or Choose a Favicon

First, you need to have a favicon image. You can either create one using a graphics editor like Photoshop or download one from a free favicon generator website.

Step 2: Place the Favicon in Your Project

Once you have your favicon image, place it in the public directory of your ReactJS project. Make sure the file name is “favicon.ico” as this is the default name that browsers look for.

Step 3: Link the Favicon in Your HTML File

In the public/index.html file of your project, add the following line of code inside the <head> tag:

<link rel="icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">

Step 4: Test and Deploy

Save your changes, rebuild your ReactJS project (if necessary), and test your website in a browser. You should now see your new favicon in the browser tab.

Congratulations! You have successfully changed or added a favicon to your ReactJS project.

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5 months ago

Very helpful 😊

5 months ago

Well explained..nice one