
Changing Sencha Ext JS applications to Angular

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Migrating Sencha Ext JS applications to Angular

Migrating Sencha Ext JS applications to Angular

If you have been using Sencha Ext JS for your web applications and are now considering migrating to Angular, you have made a wise decision. Angular is a powerful and popular framework for building web applications, and migrating your Sencha Ext JS applications to Angular can streamline your development process and provide you with a more modern and efficient platform for building your web applications.

Why migrate to Angular?

There are several reasons why you might want to migrate your Sencha Ext JS applications to Angular. First, Angular provides a more modern and flexible architecture for building web applications. It also has a large and active community, which means that you can benefit from a wealth of resources and support as you migrate your applications to the framework.

Additionally, Angular has a strong emphasis on testability and maintainability, which can make it easier to build and maintain large-scale applications. It also provides a wealth of features and tools for building responsive and interactive user interfaces, which can help you create more dynamic and engaging web applications.

Steps for migrating Sencha Ext JS applications to Angular

Migrating Sencha Ext JS applications to Angular may seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning and a methodical approach, it can be a smooth and successful process. Here are some steps to consider as you embark on the migration process:

  1. Assessment: Assess the scope and complexity of your Sencha Ext JS applications to determine the amount of work involved in the migration process. Identify any dependencies, third-party libraries, and custom components that will need to be migrated to Angular.
  2. Migration plan: Create a detailed migration plan that outlines the steps, resources, and timeline for migrating your Sencha Ext JS applications to Angular. Consider breaking the migration process into smaller, manageable tasks to make it more achievable.
  3. Conversion of components: Begin by converting your Sencha Ext JS components to Angular components. This may involve rewriting or refactoring your existing code to align with Angular’s component-based architecture.
  4. Refactoring: Refactor your application’s codebase to make it compatible with Angular’s structure and best practices. This may involve updating your code to use Angular’s modules, services, and dependency injection, as well as making any necessary changes to your application’s routing and state management.
  5. Testing and validation: Test and validate your migrated application to ensure that it functions as intended and that all features and functionalities are working properly. This may involve writing unit tests, end-to-end tests, and performing manual testing to identify any bugs or issues.
  6. Deployment: Once you are confident that your migrated application is working as expected, it is time to deploy it to a production environment. Consider conducting a phased rollout to minimize the impact on your users and to address any issues that may arise during the deployment process.

Support and resources

As you migrate your Sencha Ext JS applications to Angular, it is important to leverage the available resources and support to ensure a successful migration. The Angular community provides a wealth of documentation, tutorials, and forums where you can find guidance and assistance as you navigate the migration process.

Additionally, consider seeking out expert assistance and consulting services if you require additional support or expertise in migrating your applications to Angular. There are many companies and individuals who specialize in assisting with the migration of web applications, and they can provide valuable insights and assistance as you undertake this transition.


Migrating Sencha Ext JS applications to Angular can be a challenging but rewarding process. By carefully planning and executing your migration, and leveraging the available resources and support, you can successfully transition your applications to a modern and powerful framework that will enable you to build even more sophisticated and dynamic web applications.