Chaos and death brought by Storm in Ukraine and Russia, reports WION

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The recent storm that struck Ukraine and Russia has brought chaos and devastation to both countries, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake. The storm, which has been described as one of the most powerful in recent years, has caused widespread damage to homes, infrastructure, and agriculture, as well as claiming the lives of several people.

In Ukraine, the storm has caused major disruptions to transportation, with roads and railways being blocked by fallen trees and debris. Many towns and cities have also experienced power outages, leaving residents without electricity and heating in the midst of freezing temperatures. In addition, the storm has caused severe flooding in some areas, leading to the evacuation of residents and the destruction of homes and businesses.

In Russia, the storm has also caused significant damage, with reports of widespread power outages and transportation disruptions. In the city of Moscow, the storm brought heavy snowfall and strong winds, leading to the closure of schools and public transportation services. The authorities have issued warnings about the dangerous conditions, urging residents to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel.

The storm has also had a devastating impact on agriculture in both countries, with reports of extensive damage to crops and livestock. This is particularly concerning given that both Ukraine and Russia are major agricultural producers, and the storm’s impact is likely to have long-term consequences for food security and the economy.

Tragically, the storm has also resulted in loss of life, with several people reported dead in both Ukraine and Russia. The victims include individuals who were killed by falling trees, as well as those who perished in traffic accidents caused by the storm’s hazardous conditions.

The devastation caused by this powerful storm serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for increased measures to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events. Climate change has been linked to the increasing frequency and intensity of such storms, and it is clear that coordinated efforts are needed to address this growing threat.

In the aftermath of the storm, emergency services in both Ukraine and Russia are working tirelessly to clear roads, restore power, and provide assistance to those affected. The authorities are also urging residents to take precautions and stay informed about weather warnings in order to stay safe during this challenging time.

As the affected communities work to recover from the storm’s destruction, it is essential that they receive the support and solidarity of the international community. The global impact of extreme weather events highlights the need for collective action to address the underlying factors contributing to these disasters, and to build resilience in the face of a changing climate.

Ultimately, the storm that has brought chaos and death to Ukraine and Russia serves as a sobering reminder of the grave consequences of climate change. It is a call to action for all nations to come together to confront this global challenge and to prioritize the protection of our planet and its people.

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6 months ago

When is this confuse neto secretary general going to relinquish power? He's a failure

6 months ago

U saying big win for Ukraine.
But I talked to my cousin from Ukraine and he said. That Russia is wining on every corner of the country and more and more Ukrainian soldiers stop fighting.

6 months ago

Earlier in the conflict Russia offered Ukraine a very favourable peace deal as long as Ukraine didn’t become a NATo member but ukraine fall to NATO trap and now it’s economy collapse and 400K soldiers dead with 2 million people became refugees, evil US only know how to make war

6 months ago

Politicians pride,makes civilians suffer more.

6 months ago

Thank you, and now my phone and what not ident is more matching, still direct the return info through Ellen and the girls, just wanted to say you look lovely and I do hope you get some time to enjoy while here.. kisses.

6 months ago

Pathetic.. allowing peipel to die…

6 months ago

NATO again with the same bullshit which planet is the NATO chief living on cannot be planet earth 🌎 The amount of lie this guy till I wonder how come is nose is not longer 🤷🏻‍♂️

6 months ago

Russia wins the battle with RIGHTEOUSNESS

6 months ago

Sorry Stoltenberg! Russia about defeated NATO together with Ukraine! But you told NATO is strongest in the world. Pity we believed you. Now Ukraine is turned to desert and graveyard due to your big words

6 months ago


6 months ago

Nato chief: ukraine make a heavy damage to Russia
Nato chief: ukraine should let Putin win.


6 months ago

All these miserable fools in the comments with no solutions. 😅

6 months ago

China,Iran, NK and others also have responsible to support Russia.Wion is pro NATO

6 months ago

Ah ah ah ah ah ah stuttering old man😂😂

6 months ago

russia ❤❤❤❤

6 months ago

Is nature speaking?
I think nature wants this war to end somehow somewhere.

6 months ago

Now Russia became more powerful than 2 years ago, Russia knows about every NATO weapons and how those are weak, each tanks and armored vehicles burning like matches. In this war Ursula, Borrel, Zelensky earned money.

6 months ago

How much mayhem and deaths inflicted on Ukrainian military does it take to convince the 'leaders' of the West they are incapable of defeating Russia? Talk about 'rusted on' diehards, they are pathetic!

6 months ago

God bless Russia, we are with you all the way! 🇮🇳❤🇷🇺

6 months ago

Nato is a toothless bulldog….it can bark but can't bite