
Chat-GPT Plugin Tutorial: Overview and Usage Demo of Open AI ChatGPT Plugins

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In this tutorial, we will learn about OpenAI ChatGPT Plugins, how to set up a demo, and how to use the Chat-GPT Plugin in your own projects. OpenAI ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can generate human-like text responses based on the input it receives. With the ChatGPT Plugin, you can easily integrate this AI model into your website or application to provide a conversational user experience.

Setting up a Demo:

To set up a demo of the ChatGPT Plugin, you first need to sign up for an API key from OpenAI. You can do this by visiting the OpenAI website and creating an account. Once you have your API key, you can start building your demo.

  1. Create a new HTML file and add the necessary script tags to include the ChatGPT Plugin library. You can find the script tag on the OpenAI website or in the ChatGPT Plugin documentation.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>ChatGPT Plugin Demo</title>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@openai/chatgpt"></script>
  1. Next, create a container element where the chat interface will be displayed. You can use a <div> tag with a specific ID to identify it in your JavaScript code.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>ChatGPT Plugin Demo</title>
    <div id="chat-container"></div>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@openai/chatgpt"></script>
  1. Finally, write the JavaScript code to initialize the ChatGPT Plugin and display the chat interface in the container element. You will need to pass your API key and other configuration options to the ChatGPT.init() function.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>ChatGPT Plugin Demo</title>
    <div id="chat-container"></div>

    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@openai/chatgpt"></script>
            apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE',
            element: 'chat-container'

Once you have added these steps to your HTML file, you can open it in a web browser to see the ChatGPT Plugin demo in action. You should see a chat interface where you can interact with the AI model and receive text responses.

Using the Chat-GPT Plugin:

Now that you have set up a demo of the ChatGPT Plugin, you can start using it in your own projects. The Chat-GPT Plugin provides several methods that you can use to interact with the AI model and customize the chat interface. Here are some common use cases:

  1. Sending Messages: You can use the sendMessage() method to send a message to the AI model and receive a response. This method takes a string parameter as input and returns a promise with the text response.
// Send a message to the AI model
ChatGPT.sendMessage('Hello, how are you?').then(response => {
  1. Customizing the Chat Interface: You can use the options object to customize the appearance and behavior of the chat interface. You can change the theme, set the user’s name, configure the input placeholder text, and more.
// Customize the chat interface
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE',
    element: 'chat-container',
    options: {
        theme: 'light',
        userName: 'User',
        placeholderText: 'Type your message here...'
  1. Handling Events: You can listen for events like new messages, user typing, and chat closed to customize the behavior of your application. You can use the on() method to add event listeners and execute custom code when events occur.
// Listen for new messages
ChatGPT.on('message', message => {
    console.log('New Message:', message);

// Listen for user typing
ChatGPT.on('typing', () => {
    console.log('User is typing...');

// Listen for chat closed
ChatGPT.on('closed', () => {
    console.log('Chat closed');

By using these methods and customizing the chat interface, you can create a personalized conversational experience for your users with the Chat-GPT Plugin. Experiment with different configuration options and event handlers to tailor the AI model’s responses to your specific needs.

In conclusion, OpenAI ChatGPT Plugins are a powerful tool for integrating AI-driven conversational capabilities into your website or application. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can set up a demo of the ChatGPT Plugin, learn how to use its features, and start incorporating it into your own projects. With its natural language processing capabilities, the Chat-GPT Plugin can help you create engaging and interactive user experiences that leverage the power of AI technology.

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1 month ago

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1 month ago

I'm so basic… how do I use plug ins and chat gpt…. I need to download the plugin separately… and then some how use with chat gpt..

1 month ago

this there a plugin for extracing data from website?

1 month ago

Video was uploaded 10 hours ago but video clips themselves are from the end of March. Why? 😉

1 month ago

Can we using these plugin with auto gpt ?

1 month ago

But plug-in is not available yet?