ChatGPT Plugins, Islandアーキテクチャを採用したQwik, Next.js app router安定化, WEB DB PRESS休刊
Recently, there have been some interesting developments in the tech world, including the introduction of ChatGPT Plugins, the adoption of Islandアーキテクチャ by Qwik, the stabilization of the Next.js app router, and the announcement of the cessation of WEB DB PRESS.
ChatGPT Plugins
OpenAI has introduced ChatGPT Plugins, allowing developers to create and integrate various plugins to enhance the capabilities of GPT-3 for conversational applications. This is an exciting development in the field of natural language processing and AI.
Qwik, a web framework developed by Google, has adopted the Islandアーキテクチャ for building web applications. This unique architecture aims to improve performance and reduce complexity in web development, providing a new approach for developers to consider.
Next.js app router安定化
Next.js, a popular React framework for building web applications, has announced the stabilization of its app router. This is a significant improvement that will lead to better performance and reliability for Next.js applications.
Unfortunately, it has been announced that WEB DB PRESS, a Japanese web development magazine, will be ceasing publication. This news marks the end of an era for the publication and its readers who have relied on its valuable content over the years.
Overall, these developments showcase the ever-changing landscape of technology and its impact on various aspects of web development and AI. It will be interesting to see how these changes shape the future of these technologies and the industry as a whole.
正直あんまapp router好きになれてない……
AstroとかってJSは減らせるけど、静的サイトくらいでしか使えない。Qwikなら確か1kbくらいのfirst load JSでインタラクティブなアプリを作れそう