Checking secret answer with Login Kivy and MySQL | Ziga Multimedia

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Login Kivy e MySQL – Verificar resposta secreta | Ziga Multimedia

Login Kivy e MySQL – Verificar resposta secreta

Ziga Multimedia presents an article on how to verify a secret answer in a Kivy and MySQL login system.


In this tutorial, we will show you how to authenticate a user based on a secret answer stored in a MySQL database using a Kivy application. This can be useful for adding an extra layer of security to your login system.


Step 1: Connect to the MySQL database

First, you need to establish a connection to your MySQL database. You can do this by using the mysql.connector library in Python.

import mysql.connector

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

Step 2: Retrieve the secret answer

Next, you need to retrieve the secret answer associated with the user from the database. This can be done by executing a SELECT query.

mycursor = mydb.cursor()

mycursor.execute("SELECT secret_answer FROM users WHERE username = 'john_doe'")
secret_answer = mycursor.fetchone()[0]

Step 3: Verify the secret answer

Finally, you can compare the secret answer provided by the user with the one stored in the database. If they match, the user is authenticated.

user_answer = input("Enter your secret answer: ")

if user_answer == secret_answer:
  print("Authentication successful!")
  print("Authentication failed. Please try again.")


By following these steps, you can implement a secure login system that verifies a user based on a secret answer stored in a MySQL database using Kivy. This can help prevent unauthorized access to your application and protect your users’ personal information.