Checking TensorFlow GPU availability

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Tensorflow GPU Check

Tensorflow GPU Check

If you are using Tensorflow for your machine learning projects, it is important to check if you have access to a GPU for faster computation. Here is a simple guide to check if your Tensorflow installation is using a GPU.

Step 1: Check if Tensorflow is using GPU

Open a Python environment and import Tensorflow:

import tensorflow as tf

Then run the following code to check if Tensorflow is using a GPU:

print("GPU Available: ", tf.test.is_gpu_available())

Step 2: Check GPU Device Name

You can also check which GPU device Tensorflow is using by running the following code:

print("GPU Device Name: ", tf.test.gpu_device_name())

Step 3: Check GPU Memory Usage

To check the current GPU memory usage, you can run the following code:

from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

This will display information about the available GPUs and their memory usage.


By following these simple steps, you can quickly check if your Tensorflow installation is using a GPU for faster computation. Utilizing a GPU can significantly speed up your machine learning training process, especially for deep learning models with large datasets.