Cheney Discusses Trump’s 2020 Loss with McCarthy: ‘Trump’s not eating’

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Former Vice President Dick Cheney reportedly had a conversation with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy where they discussed former President Donald Trump’s refusal to accept his loss in the 2020 election and his lack of appetite.

In an article published by CNN, it was revealed that Cheney and McCarthy had a chat about Trump’s reaction to his defeat and his subsequent behavior. According to the report, Cheney told McCarthy that Trump’s obsession with the election result has taken a toll on him and that he has lost his appetite as a result.

This conversation sheds light on the ongoing fallout from the 2020 election and the impact it continues to have on Trump and his supporters. The fact that a prominent Republican figure like Cheney felt the need to discuss Trump’s mental state and physical well-being is emblematic of the concern within the party about the former president’s behavior.

Trump’s refusal to accept the election results and his constant claims of voter fraud have been a source of contention within the Republican Party. While some have stood by him and echoed his baseless allegations, others have voiced their disagreement and distanced themselves from Trump’s rhetoric.

Cheney, who has been a vocal critic of Trump and was one of the few Republicans who voted to impeach him after the Capitol riot, has been at the forefront of those within the party who have been critical of the former president’s actions. His conversation with McCarthy about Trump’s state of mind and physical health indicates that the concerns about Trump’s behavior go beyond just his political rhetoric.

The fact that Trump has reportedly lost his appetite over the election results is a stark reminder of the toll that the aftermath of the 2020 election has taken on him. It also underscores the level of stress and psychological impact that he has undergone as a result of his defeat.

This conversation between Cheney and McCarthy is indicative of the ongoing tensions within the Republican Party and the struggle to navigate the aftermath of Trump’s presidency. It also sheds light on the personal toll that the election has taken on Trump and gives insight into the concerns that are being expressed by some within the party about his well-being.

As the Republican Party continues to grapple with the fallout from the 2020 election and the influence of Trump, conversations like the one between Cheney and McCarthy serve as a reminder of the complexities and challenges that the party is facing as it seeks to define its future.

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6 months ago

Cnn leftwing trash

6 months ago

Nothing but fake news from toilet bowl central.

6 months ago

Poopypants could not eat for a year and he’ll still be overweight…

6 months ago

From the daughter of baron Vladimir harkonen. You're grasping at straws. F this woman

6 months ago

Liz Cheney wouldn't know the truth (or better yet, state the truth — she's a corrupt liar and the truth is not in her) if is nailed her in the "behind"! I look forward to the day when I see her rewarded for her disgusting actions. And yes, Trump will get his wonderful reward which hopefully will include a section with Liz's name on it!

6 months ago

Republicans are bowing to “King Trump”. What a bunch of butt-kissing politicians!

6 months ago

Did he cry too😅😅😅😅

6 months ago

Another fake new. He looks great!

6 months ago


6 months ago

I have much respect for Liz Cheney! She's a stand-up woman, courageous and moral! 

I am so disgusted with the Democratic leadership with regard to the nominee for presidency being Biden. I feel he is too advanced in age. I think he might be a wonderful advisor, but the office takes a lot to run and we're talking about 4 years for a man over 80-years-old! The office of the Presidency of the U.S. is known for how rapidly presidents age in a short time! It is sheer embarrassment that the Dem party doesn't have better leadership choices! There are 50, count them, FIFTY, states, and Puerto Rico, why can't we find an excellent candidate?! Also, Pres. Biden recently said that he only ran to keep Trump from being re-elected! He wants to STOP TRUMP! I get it! Look at the way Trump owns the GOP

Voting for Trump is a vote for a narcissist who's only interest is himself, not the American people! NOPE! The man wants to be a dictator! He wants to be a mob boss! He wants to get revenge like his silly children in Congress! People act like Trump doesn't have blood on his hands! He advised his own base not to prepare themselves for COVID-19! I didn't get a vaccination, but I wore the protective gear, and kept myself out of harm's way and kept others in my life safe, too. Trump did not! He only cared about his own family, blood family! Meanwhile, he told his base to hate science and call news that he didn't like, "fake." He played a cruel and dangerous game with other people's lives. And, the media kept Trump a demigod! Now, look at the mess we're in! It's disgraceful! A vote for Trump is a vote for a man who has no idea how to deal with foreign affairs, except to sell out the U.S. by holding on to secret documents and showing them to people who may just be anti-American democracy, like he is! A vote for Trump is a vote for divisive politics, hateful banter that provokes Trump's violent base. A vote for Trump is a vote for lawlessness. A vote for Trump is a vote for a misogynist, a convict, an indicted sexual predator, a thief (look at the campaign contributions he has misappropriated), an adulterer, for those who care, a prolific, profuse, liar, and the country's best con man! Vote for Trump and watch the destruction and decay he brings along for the ride, and all of the "great" people he chooses to care out his treachery! I would say "anyone is better!", but I know that there's DeSantis, and he may be Trump on steroids with much more energy to hate because he's younger and is sadly, even more of a hateful being! There have got to be some GOP and Democrats who are decent people who are also good candidates! So far, I haven't seen a one on either ticket! That's why we need more parties instead of this two-party sycstem!

My rant is over…

6 months ago

It's seems that women are saving the Republican

6 months ago

He was unequivocally eating Chicky nugs with ketchup that entire time.

6 months ago

CNN 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

6 months ago

I am no party and love my Country and hate it when greedy people step on weak helpless folks and spin lies to the USA. Please inform yourself better CNN IS FRAUD fake as a plastic barbie doll communist company. GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY.

6 months ago

Liz is a liar and not a party but a pay off like many others working for communist party members. Follow the Constitution traitors of the Republic. We don't want plastic people like Liz no. NO!

6 months ago

FAKE NEWS AGENCY'S LIKE CNN NEED TO GO. You are everything you say the Republicans are FRAUDS! Stop twisting truth. Why is law enforcement allowing this trash news agency to continue (THE BIG LIE) Communism has no place in USA.

6 months ago

Even though I am a democrat, id vote for her. She Liz Cheney is so truthful.

6 months ago

He wasn’t eating but he (bull)shits a lot!!

6 months ago

Oh he doesn't eat…poor little thing😢 Well I think he does eat, he just does it like my hamster…the cheeks reveals him😂😂

6 months ago

CNN, Lizard Cheney and her criminal Dick (sic) father are even much worse than Trump Orange Man. Serial Criminals.