China and the Philippines pledge to enhance communication for peaceful resolution of South China Sea conflicts

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China and the Philippines have agreed to improve dialogue in order to resolve disputes over the South China Sea. This comes after recent tensions in the region, with both countries asserting their claims over the disputed waters.

The South China Sea is a strategically important body of water, with rich fishing grounds and potentially vast oil and gas reserves. It is also a major shipping route, with billions of dollars’ worth of trade passing through its waters each year.

China claims almost the entire South China Sea, based on its “nine-dash line” map which extends deep into the waters off the coast of Southeast Asia. The Philippines, along with several other countries in the region, dispute China’s claims and have been engaged in territorial disputes with Beijing for years.

In a recent meeting between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Philippine counterpart Teodoro Locsin Jr., both sides agreed to improve dialogue and cooperation in order to resolve disputes over the South China Sea. They also agreed to work towards a peaceful settlement of the issue, in accordance with international law.

This move towards improved dialogue is a positive step towards reducing tensions in the region and avoiding any potential conflict. Both China and the Philippines have stated their commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, and have expressed their willingness to find a mutually acceptable solution to the disputes.

It is important for all countries involved in the South China Sea dispute to work towards a peaceful resolution through dialogue and cooperation. The region is of vital importance to global security and stability, and any escalation of tensions could have far-reaching consequences.

By agreeing to improve dialogue and seek a peaceful resolution to their disputes, China and the Philippines have shown a willingness to work together towards a more stable and secure South China Sea. This is a positive development that should be welcomed by all parties involved in the region.

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3 months ago

China is the only country that is good at burning bridges and telling the other side of the bridge, that it isn’t burning! 😂

3 months ago

Why is the Philippines taking it in the shorts? Fight back! China is nobody.

3 months ago

Negotiation with China will always fail because of the arrogant attitude of China… China can't be trusted to follow any agreement since they hesitate to follow the rule of UNCLOS….

3 months ago

Dialogue for what isnt China has every right to protect its sovereignty ?

3 months ago

Never believe China. The Ambassador down plays, while they continue hasrrassing Flip fishermen. They say things, but do diffrerent.

3 months ago

You cannot put trust China on everything, they do the opposite on what they've said.

3 months ago

huwag maniwala, ayaw lang nila na mag lagyan rin tayo ng base sa WPS

3 months ago

It is not communication that is an issue. It is who is illegal, respectful, bully, agressive.

3 months ago

Code of conduct between China and the Philippines?

3 months ago

How can the Philippines have a dialogue with China who claims the whole sea for himself depriving the of food closer to the sea than China?

3 months ago

The Chinese people needs Taiwan not the CCP!

3 months ago

The Philippine should never go with bilateral talks with china, There is a UN Security Council that these issues must be discussed. You can never trust the CCP.. While the ongoing bilateral is in progress , the Chinese Foreign Ministry keeps invoking their rights in the West Philippine sea although the whole world knows that their claims is invalid. It really shows that they are arrogant and uneducated. There are so manyy issues in their country. people are suffering, even government workers are not being paid for months. Most of their cities are bankrupt. Fake economies and corrupt CCP!

3 months ago

Let's face it..China is a big bully and the Philippines had nothing to negotiate with China because the Islands are owned by the Philippines in the 1st place..China should get out from Philippine territory

3 months ago

Any talks with china is nonesence bcuz they always insist their 10 dash 10 . It's time to make alliances with other countries like US, japan, Australia, India and ect.

3 months ago

Turn on Cha – Cha -Cha music

3 months ago

wala lang bully han. ok yan

3 months ago

Cant believed the chinese still trusted the philippines us

3 months ago

Nothing will improve with an ambitious china

3 months ago


3 months ago

The uncircumcised China have no absolute rights to impose law within the EEZ of Ophir.