China Uncovers New Oilfield Holding 100 Million Tonnes of Reserves

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China, one of the world’s largest consumers of oil, has made a significant discovery with the announcement of a new oilfield that is estimated to have 100 million tonnes of reserves. This discovery has the potential to greatly impact China’s oil production and reduce its dependence on imports.

The new oilfield, located in the Bohai Bay in northeastern China, was discovered by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), one of the country’s largest oil and gas producers. The oilfield is said to cover an area of 84 square kilometers and is believed to have significant reserves that could be extracted for years to come.

This discovery comes at a crucial time for China as it continues to strive for energy security and reduce its reliance on foreign oil. With the growing demand for oil in China, this new oilfield has the potential to boost the country’s domestic production and reduce its need for imports.

The announcement of the new oilfield has sparked optimism in the Chinese oil industry and has been met with enthusiasm by government officials. The discovery is seen as a significant step towards strengthening China’s energy security and is expected to have a positive impact on the country’s economy.

In addition to the economic benefits, the new oilfield is also seen as a strategic asset for China, as it helps to diversify the country’s energy sources and reduce its vulnerability to fluctuations in the global oil market. It also provides an opportunity for China to further develop its domestic oil industry and create jobs in the region.

The discovery of the new oilfield is a testament to China’s continued efforts to explore and expand its domestic energy resources. It underscores the country’s commitment to energy security and sustainable development, and sets a positive example for other nations to follow.

As China moves towards a greener and more sustainable future, the discovery of a new oilfield with significant reserves provides an important opportunity for the country to invest in cleaner and more efficient extraction methods. This will not only benefit China but also have a positive impact on the global energy landscape.

Overall, the discovery of the new oilfield in China is a significant development that has the potential to reshape the country’s energy industry and reduce its dependence on foreign oil. It is a testament to China’s commitment to energy security and sustainable development, and is a clear indication of the country’s determination to meet its energy needs through domestic resources.

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6 months ago

This is great news for China.

6 months ago

Ok then stay away in west Philippine sea!😅😅

6 months ago

Good u can now take oil there not in the west Phillipines sea 😂😂

6 months ago

Wow everything is just popping up in China like dune worms are depositing it there 😂

6 months ago

I bet all the oil money in the world that this finding won't change their aggressiveness in controlling the South China Sea and it's massive sub sea oil deposits worth trillions. Greed is all encompassing for all companies, especially oil companies, when will enough be enough, when all animals around the world are dead including us?

6 months ago

If this was true, you dnt need of being greedy by stealing territory!!! Shame on you!!

6 months ago

But we don't Want any more oil!

6 months ago

China govt news. Unlikely to be true. Just to show the bright future. Fake as usual?

6 months ago

“Did someone say oil?!!🦅🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸”

6 months ago


6 months ago

This will just keep adding to China's amazing futuristic modernization – boohoo to all the jealous anti-Chinese detractors in the lying west.

6 months ago

As expected. China with vast land would not be logic if the is no oil.Maybe wait for others to be depleted than they start finding vast oil

6 months ago

Good news for China. Any new discoveries of oil helps the country's economy whether it's 1000 or 1 mill barrels per day. They will all add up. Stop being so negative!

6 months ago

Pity the world is moving away from fossils fuels.

6 months ago

Looks like China needs more dose of freedom and democracy

6 months ago

lucky that it's only 100 million not billion, otherwise the US would claim genocide in Changqing too

6 months ago

China had imported more than 580 million tonne oil in 2022, so this newly discovered 100 million oil field is just a tiny bit that will not make a big change in china's oil pattern.

6 months ago

“100 million tonnes” = about 600 million barrels. In a 100m barrel/day global economy, this is <one week of global needs. Where is the field, how difficult is formation access, grade of product & transport cost?

The Bakken has at LEAST 18 BILLION barrels of recoverable product and railway. Wyoming has 4 or 5 refineries. Such a sensational headline for an insignificant production estimate

-Former Driller and Engineer

6 months ago

GOD given the best gift for China bcos China is the peace maker rather than military conflict hypocrite for self defense for its alliance…common sense tell you who is the devil on earth and getting lose respect of the world particular into Muslims world!

6 months ago

US: Oil!!!!!! Lets go rob them
China : What?
US: Oops it's China i thought its some middle east country. Nothing bro just a prank