China’s Risk Decreases as India Emerges on Top | Vantage featuring Palki Sharma

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In the world of geopolitics, the dynamics between powerful nations are constantly shifting. One such example is the recent trend of Western countries “de-risking” from China, which has resulted in India emerging as a top destination for investment and strategic partnerships. This shift has significant implications for the global economy and the balance of power in the Asian region.

The term “de-risking” refers to the process in which Western countries, particularly the United States and its allies, seek to reduce their dependency on China for critical supply chains, investment, and technology. This trend has gained momentum in recent years, as tensions between the West and China have escalated over a range of issues, including trade, human rights, and national security concerns.

As a result of this de-risking strategy, India has emerged as a prime beneficiary. With its large and rapidly growing economy, a young and tech-savvy population, and a strategic location in the Indo-Pacific region, India has become an increasingly attractive destination for Western investment and partnerships.

One of the key areas where India has come on top is in the technology sector. As Western countries look to diversify their tech supply chains away from China, India has positioned itself as a leading destination for high-tech manufacturing and innovation. This has been further bolstered by initiatives such as the “Make in India” campaign, which aims to promote domestic manufacturing and position India as a global manufacturing hub.

Moreover, India’s growing strategic importance in the Indo-Pacific region has also been a driving factor in its rise as a preferred partner for the West. With its strategic position at the crossroads of important sea lanes and its strong naval capabilities, India is seen as a key player in the broader regional security architecture.

Furthermore, the recent geopolitical realignment in the region, with the Quad alliance comprising the United States, Japan, Australia, and India, has further cemented India’s status as a key player in the Indo-Pacific. This strategic partnership signals a shared commitment to upholding a free and open Indo-Pacific, countering China’s assertive behavior in the region.

The de-risking of China by Western countries has also led to a re-examination of their trade and investment policies. In this regard, India has also been a beneficiary, with several Western companies and governments announcing new investment and trade initiatives with India. This trend is likely to further strengthen India’s role as a key player in the global economy.

In conclusion, the de-risking of China by Western countries has had significant repercussions for the global balance of power, with India emerging as a key beneficiary of this shift. As India continues to bolster its economic and strategic ties with the West, it is poised to play an increasingly important role in the global order, particularly in the critical Indo-Pacific region. With its growing economic clout, technological prowess, and strategic importance, India is indeed coming out on top in the new global landscape.

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6 months ago

China overplayed its cards, India is 20 years behind China unless, Indian infra increases, and corruption decreases, this would be a lost oppty

6 months ago

Made in india iPhones are a big failure right 😂

6 months ago

Understanding China Affair

China as the factory of the world in trouble due to internal Chaos and as impact of the US and EU de-coupling and de-risking policy

The CCP should transfer all the power of doing business in Hong Kong to Taiwan. In return Taiwan can meditate over a peaceful reunification with PR China if China doesn't interfere with the ease of doing business in Hong Kong and Taiwan. PRC must relax its restrictions in Tibet and in East Turkisthan – China needs change and reform, not restrictions

CCP's way of doing all the bsiness at the Gun Point will collapse China one day. Dont see it as the end of One China. The better future for China is coming out of the ruins of the CCP, says Tibet Advocacy and Campaign Groups

6 months ago

UNTIL India starts to be on its own legs and then the de-risking from INDIA will start with usual campaign. :O)

6 months ago

Make in India and buy Made in India!!!!!!🇮🇳

6 months ago

The West can derisk India too. They need yes countries. Will India biter remain independent?

6 months ago

The first thing that Indian need to become a power is to drop this kind of self-delusional nonsense, But seems they are really enjoying sucking all in and very pathetically some even live on that, like this reporter. In China she will be public ashamed she is “praise-killing” her own civilisation, which is really hated by the Chinese, but the Indian….just love it.

6 months ago

😂In the channel of this host, China is going to collapse three times a day, but the reality is that India is far behind China and can't see the taillights of China!

6 months ago

You're making mistakes, the western world lead by USA don't like you… India is easy to use right now.. Doing business with fiat currency is dangerous.

6 months ago

China🇨🇳 is forging ahead with its ambitious attempts to transition from a manufacturing-heavy economic model to a domestic consumption and services-led one. A number of policies and initiatives are being employed to achieve this feat which would take several years. India🇮🇳 on the other hand, can't even utilise its massive demographic advantages to transform
itself into the factory of the world, despite the opportunities presented by China's economic structural shift

6 months ago

My God Heard His only begotten Son ask to make India greater than China. And today my love India is greater than China and India is family .

6 months ago

India is America’s NEW LOVE!

6 months ago

India is a friend and a friend is family To my American Christians that love India .

6 months ago

India 🇮🇳 loved by American people! India is a friend worthy of blessings.

6 months ago

Still you cant buy anything not made in china.

6 months ago

Feed your people and build eyes-befitting society. Not wretched and poor neighborhood.

India envying china shows how desperate india is to destroy itself..

6 months ago

West will di-risk from India too after few decades when India will exert it's foreign policy dominately world wide.

6 months ago

And while this sounds like great news for India, the West wouldn't bat an eyelid before wealonising investments to pressurise India.India must step carefully.

6 months ago

If India really wants to benefit from the West it must crawl out of bed with war criminal Putin, stop assassinating Canadian citizens on Canadian soil and planning to do the same in USA. Vietnam and Malaysia and the Phillipines are winning big and Modi is a killer power drunk and a bad investment.

6 months ago

The customer is king goes the saying in commerce. Its he who decides to purchase or not to purchase. Therefore its not always fair to bully your customers or give them a toxic loan just to grab his assets. Hope china will have to do his homework the hard way. JAIHIND, VANDE MATHRAM. SATYAMEV JAYATE