Chinese Journalist Liu Xin Warns Against Provoking China

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Liu Xin, a prominent Chinese journalist, has been making waves in the international media scene with her bold and unapologetic defense of China’s policies and actions. As the host of CGTN’s “The Point with Liu Xin,” she has become a fierce advocate for her country, refusing to allow Western narratives to dominate the conversation.

With a reputation for her no-nonsense approach and sharp wit, Liu Xin has gained a strong following both in China and abroad. Her willingness to take on controversial topics and challenge Western bias has made her a force to be reckoned with in the world of journalism.

In recent months, Liu Xin has been at the forefront of China’s response to Western criticism, particularly in relation to the country’s policies and actions in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. Her uncompromising defense of China’s position has earned her praise from many who feel that the country’s perspective is often overlooked or misrepresented in Western media.

Liu Xin’s passionate and articulate defense of China has not gone unnoticed, and she has been the target of criticism and attacks from some quarters. However, she has remained undeterred, refusing to be silenced or intimidated by those who seek to discredit her and undermine her message.

In a recent interview with BBC’s Stephen Sackur, Liu Xin displayed her formidable skills as a journalist, fearlessly challenging the host on a range of topics and refusing to be cowed by his aggressive line of questioning. Her performance won her widespread admiration and respect, with many praising her for her composure and intelligence in the face of a hostile environment.

Liu Xin’s unapologetic stance has brought to light the need for a more balanced and nuanced approach to reporting on China in the international media. Her refusal to be swayed by Western narratives and her commitment to presenting China’s perspective have forced many to take a closer look at their own biases and preconceptions.

As the host of one of China’s leading English language news programs, Liu Xin has used her platform to challenge Western stereotypes and misconceptions about her country. Her advocacy for a fair and objective portrayal of China has resonated with many who feel that the country is often unfairly portrayed in the international media.

In the face of increasing scrutiny and criticism, Liu Xin has emerged as a powerful voice for China, unafraid to speak her mind and defend her country’s interests. Her unwavering commitment to presenting a balanced and accurate view of China has made her one of the most influential voices in international journalism today.

Liu Xin’s fearless and uncompromising approach serves as a reminder that China will not be silenced or misrepresented. Her advocacy for a fair and balanced portrayal of her country’s policies and actions has made her a formidable force in the world of journalism. As she continues to challenge Western narratives and advocate for a more nuanced understanding of China, Liu Xin has proven that she is a force to be reckoned with. Don’t mess with China – or with Liu Xin.

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6 months ago

Pity china. Nobody respects them anymore

6 months ago

i smell b-l-s-t

6 months ago

I grew up under a dictatorship, persons as Liu Xin are a necessary propaganda apparatus for all opaque autocratic regimes, they are always concerned with what others think of them instead of changing their behavior, always railroading opponents, and never engage in fact, truth nor reality, they live in a construct bubble of which no sensible human would want to partake in, the media is implicit, as it's subject to editorial control. with persons of ill repute as Rupert Murdoch. A world of mistrust, utopia for the divisive conqueror.

6 months ago

I lived in China for many years, I don’t care what the western media says, the media is trash….

6 months ago

Excellent interview, Excellent touch…very professional. Keepitup.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Lou Xin is spreading CCP propaganda ❗️She’s just a mouth piece of the CCP, not a real journalist.

6 months ago

Liu Xin – Singapore have no earthquakes, no flood, no typhoon, buildings are safe, air is clean, laws are decent, food are safe to eat, water are safe to drink, electricity is stable, safe at home, ( all these China don't have ). period . am I telling the truth ?

6 months ago

The Western guy is a puppet for pushing Pro China information and less favourable views of the US. He may be one of the few foreigners in the 50 Cent Department's payroll

6 months ago

China is a train wreck ! PERIOD ! – And the CCP is a dystopian nightmare !

6 months ago

The CCp is nothing. The CCP stoles all western technology

6 months ago

Liu Xin….very good……and very wise.

6 months ago

Nobody wants to call China any names if they don't do anything bad, right 🤔🤔🤔
How about taking islands from Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan,etc, Ma'am?😂🤣😂🤔🤔

6 months ago

China should be called the Barbarians, right 🤔🤔🤔🤔

6 months ago

What do you have to say when your country, China, stealing organs from Falun Gong members and other minority groups, Ma'am?😱😳🤭😢👎👎

6 months ago

No need, China smears itself.

6 months ago

Great discussion 👍💪🙏

6 months ago

Freedom of professional journalism is important. Please allow them to present and ask the correct questions.

6 months ago

Full of crap

6 months ago

SO she thinks the "quality of the news" is more important than the truth? That's real journalism