Choosing Between Qt Quick and Qt Widgets for GUI Application Development | Scythe Studio Qt QML Tutorial #6

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Qt GUI Application Development: Qt Quick or Qt Widgets? | Qt QML Tutorial #6 | Scythe Studio

Qt GUI Application Development: Qt Quick or Qt Widgets?

When it comes to developing GUI applications with Qt, developers have the choice between using Qt Quick or Qt Widgets. Both these options have their own strengths and weaknesses, and deciding which one to use can be a difficult choice. In this article, we will take a look at the differences between Qt Quick and Qt Widgets and explore their use cases in Qt GUI application development.

Qt Quick

Qt Quick is a declarative language for designing user interfaces in Qt. It allows developers to create fluid and dynamic user interfaces with the help of QML (Qt Modeling Language), a JavaScript-based language that is easy to learn and use. Qt Quick is particularly suitable for creating modern, touch-enabled user interfaces for mobile, embedded, and desktop applications. It is well-suited for applications that require smooth animations, transitions, and complex UI designs.

Qt Widgets

Qt Widgets, on the other hand, is a traditional C++-based UI framework that has been around since the early days of Qt. It provides a rich set of widgets and tools for creating desktop-style user interfaces. Qt Widgets is well-suited for applications that require complex, feature-rich UI with complete control over the look and feel of the application. It is also a great choice for porting existing desktop applications to Qt.

Use Cases

When deciding between Qt Quick and Qt Widgets, it is important to consider the specific requirements of your application. If you are developing a modern, touch-enabled application with complex UI designs and animations, Qt Quick may be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you are developing a traditional desktop-style application with a rich set of widgets and complete control over the UI, Qt Widgets may be the better option.


Both Qt Quick and Qt Widgets have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your application. It is important to carefully consider the design and functionality of your application before deciding which framework to use. With the right choice, you can create a powerful and user-friendly GUI application with Qt.

Written by Scythe Studio

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6 months ago

Amazing introduction!
Thank you for clarifying that QML is not the same as Qt Quick!

6 months ago

Nice video, thanks!

6 months ago

Thanks for this wonderful video

6 months ago

thank you!

6 months ago


6 months ago

Thank you for this! I was really having trouble finding a clear, concise explanation of the differences.