
Choosing Between the Two Built-In Cache Types in ASP.NET Core

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The 2 Built-In Cache Types in ASP.NET Core – How to choose?

The 2 Built-In Cache Types in ASP.NET Core – How to choose?

When developing web applications in ASP.NET Core, caching is an important feature to consider for improving performance and reducing response times. ASP.NET Core provides two built-in cache types that developers can choose from depending on their specific needs.

1. In-Memory Cache

The In-Memory Cache is a simple and easy-to-use cache type that stores cached data in the application’s memory. This means that the cached data is only available for the duration of the application’s lifetime. In-Memory Cache is ideal for storing small and frequently accessed data that needs to be quickly accessible.

2. Distributed Cache

The Distributed Cache is a more robust cache type that allows cached data to be shared across multiple instances of the application. This makes it suitable for scaling web applications and handling larger amounts of cached data. Distributed Cache uses external storage providers such as Redis or SQL Server to store cached data, making it suitable for scenarios where high availability and scalability are essential.

How to choose?

When choosing between In-Memory Cache and Distributed Cache in ASP.NET Core, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of the application. If the application requires a simple and lightweight caching solution for small amounts of data, In-Memory Cache may be the best choice. On the other hand, if the application needs to scale across multiple instances and handle larger amounts of cached data, Distributed Cache may be the better option.

Additionally, consider the trade-offs between performance, scalability, and complexity when choosing a cache type. In-Memory Cache provides fast access to cached data but is limited to the application’s memory, while Distributed Cache offers scalability and high availability but comes with added complexity and potential performance overhead.

Ultimately, the choice between In-Memory Cache and Distributed Cache in ASP.NET Core should be based on the specific needs and constraints of the application, taking into account factors such as data size, access patterns, and scalability requirements.

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6 months ago

Very informative, thanks