Chris Christie is Certain that Donald Trump will be a Convicted Felon in 2024

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Former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie made headlines recently with his bold prediction that former President Donald Trump will be convicted of a felony in 2024. Christie, a long-time ally of Trump, made the statement during an appearance on ABC’s This Week, where he discussed the ongoing investigations into the former president’s business dealings and financial practices.

In his interview, Christie stated, “I think it is a near-certainty in my view. And the reason I say that is because if, in fact, the reports that we’re getting now from the Department of Justice about this criminal investigation going on both in the Manhattan district attorney’s office and the attorney general’s office are true. If they’re investigating him and his business and his business and his finances, and there’s evidence there that is now in the hands of the Department of Justice and other investigators, then I think it’s a pretty close call, at least from my experience as a prosecutor.”

Christie’s prediction is particularly noteworthy given his close relationship with Trump. He was a key figure in Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and was reportedly considered for various positions in the Trump administration. However, in recent years, Christie has distanced himself from the former president, particularly in the wake of the January 6th Capitol riot.

The prediction also comes at a time when Trump is facing multiple legal challenges. The Manhattan district attorney’s office and the New York attorney general’s office are conducting separate criminal investigations into Trump’s business practices, specifically looking into whether he inflated the value of his assets to secure loans and understated them to lower his tax bill.

While it’s important to note that Christie’s prediction is just that – a prediction – it underscores the mounting legal challenges that Trump is facing as he continues to be a prominent figure in American politics. The former president has consistently dismissed the investigations as politically motivated and has maintained that he has done nothing wrong. However, the severity of Christie’s statement suggests that there may be significant evidence to support the allegations against Trump.

As the investigations continue to unfold, it remains to be seen whether Christie’s prediction will come to fruition. Regardless, his comments have added to the speculation and scrutiny surrounding Trump’s legal troubles, further fueling the ongoing debate over the former president’s conduct. Only time will tell whether Trump will face criminal charges in 2024, but for now, the prediction has certainly sparked a new wave of conversation and controversy.

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6 months ago

I was going to write about this idiot, but everyone's comments beat me to it.

6 months ago

Porky pig is at it again

6 months ago

Trump was the worst US president in history. He's only running to try to save his own ass from jail time. He doesn't give a damn about anyone including his own supporters.

6 months ago

I think Chris Christie should be President!

6 months ago

If he,s convicted that's a big if.

6 months ago

Christy seems awful sure of this.

6 months ago

He sweats very little for such a fat guy

6 months ago

If you are so certain about the conviction, then start talking yourself, not him. Let people know your views.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Krispie Christy. polling at 2.5 % and keeps shooting his mouth off about Trump like what he has to say means something. Really? Trump is crushing him. I don't know what this jerk is trying to prove or who he is trying to prove it to but it's not working whatever it is.

6 months ago

Why isn't Chris Christie supporting Trump to get us out of this mess that the leftists left us with?

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

Too Fat and too much of a rino

6 months ago

How can Chris manage this country if he can't even manage his own body?

6 months ago

Chris is a lying

6 months ago

You’re a sore loser. If the election wasn’t stolen because of a foreign government then he would be president and we would be still winning

6 months ago

Why does it matter if Trump can't vote for himself even though that's not possible when your such a big thoughtful man of the people?

6 months ago

Chris Christie always likes to get his Chistie cremes even though you don't have to say the name twice.

6 months ago

on Soros payroll