Christophe Bigot emphasizes the need for Africa to have a voice at the Africa Peace Summit

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The Africa Peace Summit I was recently held in Nairobi, Kenya, and it brought together leaders and representatives from across the continent to discuss and find solutions to the various conflicts and challenges facing Africa.

One of the key voices at the summit was Christophe Bigot, the French Ambassador to Kenya. In his address, Bigot emphasized the importance of Africa having a voice in global peace and security discussions. He stressed the need for African countries to take ownership of their own peace and security issues and not rely solely on external interventions.

“Europe and other parts of the world have often been the ones to dictate the terms of peace and security in Africa, but it is time for Africa to have a say in its own future,” said Bigot. “This summit is a step in the right direction, as it brings together African leaders to discuss and find African-led solutions to the conflicts and challenges facing the continent.”

Bigot also highlighted the role of regional organizations such as the African Union in promoting peace and security in Africa. He called for stronger collaboration and coordination between African countries and regional bodies to address common challenges and shared security threats.

“We cannot talk about peace and security in Africa without involving the African Union and other regional organizations,” said Bigot. “It is crucial for African countries to work together and support each other in finding lasting solutions to the conflicts and security challenges on the continent.”

The Africa Peace Summit I also focused on the importance of inclusive dialogue and reconciliation as a means of resolving conflicts in Africa. Bigot stressed the need for African leaders to engage with all stakeholders, including women, youth, and civil society, in peacebuilding efforts.

“We cannot achieve sustainable peace in Africa without the meaningful participation of all segments of society,” said Bigot. “Women and youth, in particular, have a vital role to play in promoting peace and stability in their communities. Their voices must be heard and their contributions valued in any peace process.”

In conclusion, the Africa Peace Summit I served as a platform for African leaders to come together and discuss ways to address the peace and security challenges facing the continent. Christophe Bigot’s emphasis on Africa having a voice and taking ownership of its own peace and security issues resonated with many attendees, and the summit provided a valuable opportunity for African leaders to take concrete steps towards finding African-led solutions to conflicts and challenges on the continent.

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9 months ago

Banish Western media if you want Africa to have a voice