Clone Airbnb Full Stack using Next.js with Auth0 for session management and Next Auth: Part 10

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Airbnb Full Stack Clone – Next JS Auth0 Session Mgmt with Next Auth #10

Welcome to Airbnb Full Stack Clone!

Are you looking to build a full stack application like Airbnb using Next.js, Auth0, and Next Auth? You’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll discuss how to set up authentication and session management in your Next.js application using Auth0 and Next Auth.

Setting Up Auth0

First, you’ll need to sign up for an Auth0 account and create a new application. Once your application is created, you’ll be given a domain and client ID which you’ll need to configure in your Next.js application.

Setting Up Next Auth

Next Auth is a powerful authentication library for Next.js that makes it easy to add authentication to your application. To get started, install Next Auth by running the following command:

npm install next-auth

Once Next Auth is installed, you’ll need to create a custom API route to handle authentication. You can use the built-in functions provided by Next Auth to handle sign in, sign out, and session management.

Implementing Session Management

With Next Auth set up, you can now implement session management in your application. Next Auth provides a simple way to protect routes and retrieve user information using session tokens.


Building a full stack application like Airbnb with Next.js, Auth0, and Next Auth is a powerful combination that makes it easy to add authentication and session management to your application. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating a secure and functional application.

Thanks for reading!

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