CODE WITH ME: Laugh Out Loud with this hilarious Python prank!

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CODE WITH ME: A funny prank in Python!

CODE WITH ME: A funny prank in Python!

Python is a powerful programming language that is widely used for various applications, such as web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. However, Python can also be used for fun and entertaining purposes, such as playing pranks on unsuspecting friends or colleagues.

One of the classic pranks that you can play in Python is called “Code With Me”. The idea behind this prank is to create a Python script that looks like a normal program, but actually does something unexpected and funny when run. This can involve displaying a humorous message, making funny noises, or even opening random websites.

To create the “Code With Me” prank, you will need some basic knowledge of Python programming. You can use a text editor or an online Python compiler to write and run your script. Here is a simple example of a “Code With Me” prank:

import time
import webbrowser

print("Welcome to Code With Me!")

# Open a random website"")

print("Ha! You've been pranked!")

When someone runs this script, they will see a message welcoming them to “Code With Me”, followed by a countdown and then a random website being opened. The prank victim will likely be surprised and amused by the unexpected behavior of the script.

Remember, while pranks can be fun, it’s important to consider the feelings and reactions of the person you are pranking. Make sure to only play pranks on those who will appreciate the humor and not be offended by your actions.

So, next time you want to have some fun with Python, consider trying out the “Code With Me” prank. It’s a simple and harmless way to bring some laughter and entertainment to your coding adventures!

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