Collaborating on Angular Templates

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Working with Angular Templates

Working with Angular Templates

Angular is a popular framework for building dynamic web applications. One of its key features is the use of templates to define the structure of components and bind data to the view. This allows developers to create reusable and easy-to-maintain code.

Creating Templates

Angular templates are written in HTML with additional Angular-specific syntax. To create a template, you can use the ng-template directive, which defines a block of HTML that can be reused multiple times within a component.

<ng-template #myTemplate>
    Hello, {{name}}!

In the above example, the ng-template directive creates a template with the variable name that can be used to display a personalized greeting.

Binding Data

Angular templates use data binding to connect the view with the component’s data. There are two main types of data binding in Angular: interpolation and property binding.

Interpolation allows you to display component data directly in the template using double curly braces:

  Hello, {{name}}!

Property binding, on the other hand, allows you to bind component properties to HTML attributes or directives using square brackets:

<button [disabled]="isDisabled">Click me</button>

Using Angular Directives

Angular templates also make use of Angular directives, which are additional HTML attributes that enhance the functionality of elements. For example, the *ngFor directive allows you to loop through a list of items and display them in the template:

  <li *ngFor="let item of items">

By using Angular templates and directives, you can create powerful and interactive user interfaces in your Angular applications. With careful design and maintenance, templates can help you build robust and maintainable web applications.

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2 months ago

thank you

2 months ago

The interviewer did not receive a SINGLE ANSWER to his questions.

I was expecting more of devextreme, I thought it was another great product from DevExpress, but every time, I feel more and more that I was wrong.

I always love Devexpress products, but devextreme is lacking in documentation and apparently also in experts. 👎