Collaborative Study Session: Creating Tabs with pysimpleGUI

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In this tutorial, we will be creating a study with me side project using Python and PySimpleGUI to create tabs for different study sessions. This project is perfect for students or anyone looking to improve their productivity and focus while studying.

Step 1: Install PySimpleGUI
First, we need to install PySimpleGUI. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install PySimpleGUI

Step 2: Import PySimpleGUI
Once PySimpleGUI is installed, we can start by importing it in our Python script:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

Step 3: Create the Layout
Next, we will create the layout for our study with me application. We will be using tabs to organize different study sessions. Here is an example layout with two tabs:

layout = [
        [sg.Tab('Math', layout=[
            [sg.Text('Math Study Session')],
            [sg.Button('Start Study Session')]
        [sg.Tab('Science', layout=[
            [sg.Text('Science Study Session')],
            [sg.Button('Start Study Session')]

Step 4: Create the Window
Now, we will create the PySimpleGUI window and display the layout we just created:

window = sg.Window('Study With Me', layout)

Step 5: Event Loop
Finally, we will create an event loop to handle user input. In this example, we will simply print a message when the user clicks the "Start Study Session" button:

while True:
    event, values =
    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
    if event == 'Start Study Session':
        print('Study session started!')

Step 6: Run the Application
To run the application, simply add the following code at the end of your script:


Congratulations! You have successfully created a study with me side project using PySimpleGUI. Feel free to customize the tabs and layout to suit your needs and preferences. Happy studying!

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