Common Mistakes to Avoid in JavaScript Interviews

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Avoid this mistake in JavaScript

Avoid this mistake in JavaScript

If you’re preparing for a JavaScript interview, it’s important to be aware of common mistakes that developers make. One mistake that you should definitely avoid is relying too heavily on global variables.

Global variables in JavaScript can cause a lot of issues, including polluting the global namespace, leading to potential naming conflicts, and making your code less modular and testable. It’s important to use local variables whenever possible and only use global variables when absolutely necessary.

When you rely on global variables, you run the risk of inadvertently changing their values at different points in your code, which can lead to unexpected behavior and bugs. It’s best to keep your variables as localized as possible to avoid these types of issues.

Additionally, using global variables can make your code less scalable and maintainable. If you ever need to refactor your code or add new functionality, it can be much harder to do so when you have global variables scattered throughout your codebase.

To avoid this mistake, make it a habit to use local variables within the scope of the functions where they are needed and to avoid using global variables unless absolutely necessary. This will make your code more readable, maintainable, and less error-prone.

As you prepare for a JavaScript interview, be ready to discuss how you handle variable scope and why you choose to avoid global variables whenever possible. It’s a sign of a well-rounded and conscientious developer who takes the time to write clean and reliable code.

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6 months ago

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