Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Vue.js 🚫

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What you’re doing wrong with Vue.js 🙅‍♂️

What you’re doing wrong with Vue.js 🙅‍♂️

If you’re using Vue.js for your web development projects, there are some common mistakes that developers often make. Here are a few things you might be doing wrong:

  • Not understanding the reactivity system: Vue.js is built on a reactive data model, which means that changes to your data will automatically update the UI. If you’re not properly setting up your data properties or using computed properties, you may run into issues with reactivity.
  • Not utilizing components effectively: Vue.js is all about components, but if you’re not breaking your UI into reusable components, you’re missing out on one of the key benefits of the framework. Make sure to take full advantage of component-based architecture.
  • Overusing watchers: While watchers can be helpful for reacting to changes in data, overusing them can lead to performance issues. Try to use computed properties whenever possible, as they are more efficient.
  • Not optimizing for performance: Vue.js is a powerful framework, but if you’re not optimizing your code for performance, you may run into issues with slow rendering times or other performance problems. Make sure to use tools like Vue Devtools to identify bottlenecks in your code.
  • Ignoring the Vue.js documentation: Lastly, one of the biggest mistakes you can make with Vue.js is not fully utilizing the official documentation. The Vue.js docs are a treasure trove of information and examples that can help you better understand the framework and avoid common pitfalls.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following best practices, you can make the most out of Vue.js and create highly performant and maintainable web applications.

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24 days ago

Ready to master Vue.js? Level up here 👉

24 days ago

with examples this video would be so much better

24 days ago

Lots of good material here 🔥

24 days ago

very good tips 👍👍👍

24 days ago

Investing in vuejs instead of solidjs is the biggest mistake frontend developers make.

24 days ago

My personal one, that's not limited to Vue devs, is to stop putting business logic inside of components or composables. The business logic should be separate and agnostic, the components and composables should only use those agnostic pieces

24 days ago

Really good tips of advice ❤

24 days ago

The "grouping by logical units" are called Composables..
We are grouping our stuff by template-refs, computed, private methods, exposed methods, data, event methods and life cycle..
Otherwise, everything becomes a mess. I know you guys want us to NOT do this, but we have 86 million lines of code that prove otherwise that it works..
We also have a lot of Splitting up grouped logic into composables and not in the vue files directly.

24 days ago

Big thanks!

24 days ago

I read a few of the functionality on Vue mastery and reached the conclusion that you need to make a clean distinction between using them in a project for a client vs using them to make a package to re-use.
The experience is different and should be pointed out especially for juniors since you have the basic Vue stuff that you learn in a guide then you have all the use this that this that (and there are a lot of them) that can make your life easier or not.
A lot of people have a profesional defect assuming some things because of their experience.

24 days ago

Very valuable ❤

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