“Common TCS Vue JS Interview Questions and Answers for 1-4 Years of Experience” #TCSInterviewPrep #VueJS #VueJSInterviewQuestions

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TCS Vue JS Interview Questions and Answers

TCS Vue JS Interview Questions and Answers

If you are preparing for a TCS Vue JS interview and have 1 to 4 years of experience, here are some common questions and their answers that you can expect during the interview:

Question 1: What is Vue.js?

Answer: Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. It is designed to be incrementally adoptable, meaning that you can use it as a library for adding interactivity to existing web pages, or as a full-fledged framework for building single-page applications.

Question 2: What are the key features of Vue.js?

Answer: Some key features of Vue.js include its reactive data binding, composable and reusable components, virtual DOM, and an easy-to-understand syntax. Vue.js also provides a rich ecosystem of supporting libraries and tools, making it easy to build and maintain complex web applications.

Question 3: What is the difference between Vue.js and other JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular?

Answer: Vue.js shares some similarities with React and Angular, such as its component-based architecture and virtual DOM. However, Vue.js is known for its simplicity and ease of learning, making it a popular choice for developers who are new to front-end development. Additionally, Vue.js offers better performance and smaller bundle sizes compared to other frameworks.

Question 4: How does Vue.js handle data binding?

Answer: Vue.js uses a reactive data binding approach, which means that any changes to the state of an application are automatically reflected in the user interface. This is achieved through the use of getters and setters, as well as the reactivity system that tracks dependencies between data properties and updates the DOM accordingly.

These are just a few examples of the kinds of questions you may be asked during a TCS Vue JS interview. It’s important to thoroughly prepare for your interview by reviewing the Vue.js documentation, practicing coding exercises, and familiarizing yourself with common interview questions.

Good luck!