
Communicating with Angular using Signals

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The Power of Angular signals

Angular signals are an essential part of the Angular framework. They provide a way for components to communicate with each other in a decoupled manner, allowing for more maintainable and scalable applications.

At its core, Angular signals are a way for different parts of your application to emit and listen for events. This can include anything from user interactions like button clicks, to data changes from other components or services.

By using signals, components can communicate without having direct references to each other, making your application more flexible and easier to maintain. This is especially important in larger applications where components may need to be re-used in different contexts.

Using Angular signals is relatively simple. To emit a signal, you can use the $emit or $broadcast methods on the $scope object. To listen for signals, you can use the $on method.

For example, you can emit a signal from one component like this:

$scope.$emit('dataUpdated', newData);

And then listen for that signal in another component like this:

$scope.$on('dataUpdated', function(event, newData) {
  // Do something with the new data

By using signals, you can keep your components loosely coupled and more easily testable. You can also create a more modular and maintainable codebase, as components can be developed and tested in isolation.

Overall, Angular signals are an incredibly powerful feature of the Angular framework. By using them effectively, you can create more robust and maintainable applications that are easier to develop and scale.

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Anas Benslimen
7 months ago

I'm wondering why you declared the counter.component in the app.module however you said it's a standalone component ? can you explain please ?

7 months ago

This channel is pure gold. Subscribed.

Quý Đào
7 months ago

what is ide ?

Michael Kilesa
7 months ago

wow they just reinvented Subject, imperative style, great job 🤣

Nest Systems
7 months ago

Love the background sound! can you share your playlist?

Sergei Vakhrushev
7 months ago

Please don't add a background music

Димитър Русков
7 months ago

I like your IDE theme and icons

7 months ago

How is this better than behavior subjects?

Loai Masri
7 months ago

awesome video 🙌, what's the name of your visual code theme

Ravi Kumar
7 months ago

Thanks dude, great job :). Keep doing similar videos. I love it 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

7 months ago

Your terminal looks awesome

Matteo Annaro
7 months ago

Please write all vscode plugin that you use to write code🥹

7 months ago

Why does "empty" click on the button re-render component ?

7 months ago

Thanks for this video

Seitbekir Seidametov
7 months ago

I believe, it is useless. It is real step back for angular. Theain idea of composition API is making code more consistent and simplify data-flow.
In angular already the gread data management and consistent code. All beyond done in the same general way by @ngRx. And I think it is great.

It is great and useful in Vue. But not angular